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Everything posted by Revolver

  1. Oh, I can look for a massive crowd booing if you want.
  2. Where would wanted ads now go? And asking for swaps?
  3. Lighter blue for white, darker one for black. Pearlescent would be nice, pearlescent blue and black. Maybe like this http://nomadchef.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/08/blue.jpg and black.
  4. It doesn't. Just what you see in the pictures - frame and BB

  5. Blue and white. Or blue and black.
  6. Two hours for me, I noticed this earlier on.
  7. Dicks, CS5.5 isn't out yet and I can't find out when it will be, and they don't sell CS5 on their site now, or so it seems.
  8. Yeah, and when I copy image urls from photobucket they come with .jpg?=292424924924923924 on the end, which you delete...
  9. I think you'll struggle. The hope pro II trials is 6 speed but it's got a disc mount. As I said before, just get an 8 speed one and cut it apart.
  10. If it doesn't end in .jpg or .png or .gif, and ends in ?=2393494 then you need to delete that bit so it does end in .jpg or whatever.
  11. Freewheel cassette, as in a screw on cassette with built in freewheel? You might be able to get one from a local dodgy bike shop, but I don't think the freewheels in them are any good. Otherwise if you're just after a 6 speed cassette, you can always buy a bigger one and chop it up a bit, I did that to run two gears.
  12. Yes. As nick says, air bubbles might go in but if the syringe is held vertical they should float to the top. It depends on your fluid too, if you're flushing out then it would mean putting the shit back in.
  13. You can use two complete syringes too, the waste syringe just fills up with waste and you empty it out later.
  14. Naah, it's to collect the excess fluid. If you're flushing out oil it's good to keep the oil off your bike, but other than that, you don't really need one.
  15. So by your logic, only comp riders are trials riders, the rest of us are just guys with weird bikes. That makes virtually none of us on this forum trials riders. Unfortunately it depends on your definition of the sport. Football, is a team sport where people form teams and attempt to score by putting the ball in the other team's net. Trials is riding a bike over obstacles. So no, a kid kicking a ball against a wall isn't football, but anyone who rides their bike over something is technically doing trials, just like when you and your mates do 3 a side kicking a ball between piles of jackets it's technically football.
  16. I strongly recommend you produce another video. With the same cameraman.
  17. Neil Vs Damon - TGS SHOWDOWN.
  18. It depends on the shape of the mould and where the metal pours in.
  19. Finally it works the other way... Haha, but at least you can still watch it somehow.
  20. It is, which is why this gets serious answers as to why it can't be done.
  21. That is a NICE colour.
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