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Everything posted by Revolver

  1. Not even tartybikes? Paradox!
  2. Nothing wrong with that. It's no super XC bike, it's just like an ordinary bike, so as long as you ride it like that it'll be fine.
  3. That's even more weird, 'cause us two are in the same member group.
  4. http://www.trials-forum.co.uk/topic/163977-any-body-want-a-signature-making/page__view__findpost__p__2283195 It seems the text for someone in the 'new member' group outlining what can go in a sig is different to that of a member.
  5. Huh.. it must have been overlooked when Tomturd set up the member groups thing. Well, we'll notify him to fix it. In the meantime, do everyone a favour and remove that pic from your sig. It's shit.
  6. Naah, you can tell if it's a shoop. You can tell by the pixels, especially if you've seen a lot of shoops in your time.
  7. Or post a screenshot. Whilst you're at it, delete the pic, it's shit.
  8. Notice how no-one else has pics in sigs. It's because they're shit. Can you genuinely say that pics in sigs improves your experience of the forum? To me they get in the way, are distracting and break up threads making them harder to follow.
  9. Small print. Read it. May contain 0 images. Sounds a lot like no pics in sigs to me.
  10. Is it old? Maybe some of the seals are getting tired too. Some of them can be swapped out, I believe. A fresh bleed is always a good starting place if your brake feels a bit off. As for the second thing, no combination of washers will fix that, something needs to be modified. Mind you, if it doesn't rub, the old 'if it ain't broke don't fix it' springs to mind.
  11. Hmm. Well, some say an echo lever and magura cylinders produces a better brake than a full echo or magura brake, so maybe do that. I am a big fan of a magura brake with a fresh products lever blade, it's definitely worth a shot if you're on the quest for the perfect brake.
  12. Oh, good, you're on our side then. If you get an echo lever, pop out the piston, see if it's clean and smooth inside, and if it is, it should be fine, really.
  13. Oh are you one of the guys from the other thread who is against water bleeds? Magura won't rate water because it isn't a 100% safe choice. As seen by the first post, water swells nylon, and water is also more sensetive to temperature which might cause issues for XC use. Also the content of water can vary a lot. Water is thinner than oil, it makes sense it might get out where oil doesn't. Previous batches of echo brakes have had swarf left in the piston which causes leaking for all fluids.
  14. Let's see. Deng's not made brakes as long. He probably can't just copy magura outright, it would be obvious. He must then have a brake with different components, different sizes. Magura have made brakes long enough to know the correct sizes to make pistons and seals. Obviously a mock-up would go a long way to help you get something close to the sizes you want. However, only when it is made and used over long term will you find out whether it will last. It's the same reason cars - the vauxhall insignia for example - can be unreliable when they are new. They can hardly test how it will be in 10 years time, can they?
  15. Naah, that was a serious answer, it just required a bit more mental application to understand. It was the stuff you posted after that caused the abuse. WASN'T ME.
  16. On a vertical dropout frame, it screws to the frame at the dropout so it provides a sacrificial piece you can hang your derallieur or tensioner from, hence its name. Things hung from it are frequently caught when failing moves, which can cause breaking. If it was built into your frame, breaking it would break your dropout, which is the end of your frame. Breaking a seperate hanger is the end of that spare mech hanger you keep in your bag to bail you out if this happens.
  17. I am liking what my answers have caused.
  18. NO CRYING SMILING SMILEY. It doesn't make any sense.
  19. Now that I've posted in your thread, there is a convenient link hidden in an obvious place, that will teach you how to water bleed your brake in a bath easily.
  20. Magura has been making brakes for ages, deng has only made them for a few years. And, whatever it says on the bottle.
  21. Haaaahahahahahaaaa But seriously, if I thrash it down hill, air whips round my glasses and makes my eyes water on rare occasions. Maybe you wear glasses, if you do, it's that. You can't stop it.
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