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Everything posted by Revolver

  1. That's a pretty cool, interesting job you've got.
  2. Anything is free if you look for it in the right places.
  3. ... I seem to remember recommending Premiere to you in another thread. I recommend you listen to that recommendation.
  4. Where do I see myself in 10 years? I'll find out in 10 years.
  5. It's harder on a trials bike. Stick with it!
  6. Are you on a trials bike trying this? Try to get as much air time as you can, and really try to tuck that wheel up.
  7. Can you 3-tap? That is, get to somewhere between 180 and 360, land on your rear wheel and then turn the rest of the way on your rear wheel? If you can do that, the trick is then tucking your back wheel really high so it doesn't hit the floor until you're all the way around. I've got to the stage where I can actually 360, but when I land I put my foot down.
  8. Curve each side round, make a slot on each and run jubilee clips to hold it to the frame.
  9. Pro tip: check with the bus companies. For example, in nottingham we have council buses and trent barton buses. I could go on the council or trent barton websites and find out what services they're running. I did so, and according to trent barton, "Easter Sunday 24th April - all services will run to a Sunday timetable."
  10. Nottingham is always an option. There's some young 'uns in Long Eaton, which is a bit closer to you. Ish.
  11. Revolver

    My Monty

    I think it's an ordinary headset type. Internal ones tend to stick out a bit more, and they have an angled bit on the inside.
  12. It varies. Sometimes I buy water, sometimes coke, quite often Lucozade Sport. Food, it's generally a sandwich, or crisps and snickers if there isn't any.
  13. Luckily, I did a search and found some pictures of someone who's fixed it. http://www.trials-forum.co.uk/topic/154153-cracked-hs33-lever-body/page__view__findpost__p__2160943 Hopefully your crack is small enough to get away with this fix
  14. Let me guess, it's cracked on that cornery bit that always cracks?
  15. 4 weeks old? Is it the 2011 version or the 2005 one? Also, pics.
  16. Your computer might not be hardcore enough to handle 1080p. I recommend recording in 720p. If you use a copy of Premiere Pro you can export it at 720p resolution, but then you may as well just use Premiere.
  17. Revolver

    Bmx Park

    It's decent. We've got a park with a bowl called Southglade too. There's a new park opening in Derby soon.
  18. Length isn't a problem, you can always cut it down.
  19. Revolver

    Bmx Park

    Isn't there a bowl at Stoke Plaza?
  20. If you can get a 'euro' BB that fits your BMX BB axle, then you can fit BMX cranks to an MTB or trials bike.
  21. I ride in Nottingham. I am not the only one, there are others who aren't on the forum.
  22. The knack for any front wheel move is 'cocking the stem' This is what, for me at least, turns a gap to two into a gap to front. You thrust your cock into your stem, and it pushes your weight forwards in a safe way that means you don't overdo it. It's essential for wheelswap type front-gaps and up to fronts and anywhere in between.
  23. I didn't force anyone to watch that. Nor indeed did I try to trick people into it.
  24. If it was CLS I'd watch it, but it's not so CBA.
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