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Everything posted by Revolver

  1. Doubt the Al-Qaeda will break up because of that. They'd probably use it as an excuse to do more terrorist attacks though.
  2. So the cable just becomes slack? The shifter is working, right? If that's the case part of it is seized, or seizing up. Find it and clean it and lubricate it.
  3. Decide which way you want to swing your bike round to. Remove that foot, put it over the top tube and ram it into the gap between your front tyre and forks. Kick the bike round with the other foot. Try to get your feet back on the pedals when it comes back round. Footjam whips are as much about good balance on the front wheel as they are whipping the bike.
  4. Does the BB screw in? It's the same as a MTB. Does it push in? It's one of a few BMX types.
  5. It's cool you can build frames now, seeing as you change them so often. Now you can make them, even more convenient.
  6. Can you not control how long an individual clip is? In premiere I think you can control how many FPS a clip's on, but at the very least you could look at how long the clip's meant to be and then edit the length vegas interprets it at.
  7. Watched about 10 minutes. They came out of the cupboard at the back of the altar and went for a ride in a cart.
  8. Ban that, find a reason to go see your mate, if she's there, strike up a casual conversation where you come across as funny and cool. Then you have a reason to add her on FB. Plus, if she's a dick you'll find out then.
  9. Pikeys ripped up the power cables at Bunny cementworks. There's an epic chasm in the floor from where it used to be. Along with the traditional mattress, 100 odd shoes and a pile of old tyres.
  10. Use copper grease for putting your freewheel on. It helps prevent seizing, which is what you want.
  11. Dreams are fascinating! Keep them coming! I write some of my good ones down sometimes. I'd write them on here but I think they're a badly written. I'll look later.
  12. Welcome. Make a video, you can use this to send around to companies to apply for sponsorship.
  13. More bizarre dreams are required.
  14. Not bad.. Not bad at all.
  15. It makes sense, there's not much in a pair of vee brake arms. Pivot points, where the pads are in relation to them (which is adjustable) and material. A flexier material might be nicer feeling to some people.
  16. I dreamed most of my left hand was cut off. I picked up the piece and put it back in place and walked around with it like that with my mum, occasionally moving it when it was slipping out of place, wondering when we'd get round to going to the hospital.
  17. It looks like it was mentioned before - get good shots, then you can edit them well. Much like the old saying, you can't polish shit. You can... well, you can have shiny shit but it's still shit, isn't it? Edit - actually, that newer camera isn't bad. The phone clips are shit.
  18. It's the exact same chain. The trialtech one comes with trialtech stickers though!
  19. Revolver

    Clean 001

    Phil.... Feeney?
  20. Revolver


    I appeared right next to a skeleton dungeon in sand.
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