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Everything posted by Revolver

  1. I have a rear hope pro II t in TEAM AWESOME GREEN which is 36h, with a slightly damaged DX32 rim, and I can send you a rhyno lite rim too.
  2. I can, yes, providing I'm going, providing I like what the weather forecast says.
  3. I have a set of sunline V3 bars in the lower rise, or NS Jalapeno bars with higher rise.
  4. So do I. It's 3 hour's drive, 3 and a half maybe. If the weather forecast predicts rain come friday, I shall have to bail. 3 hour's drive to get wet and get further behind on uni work isn't worth it to me
  5. yes, that's a type of BT Raven.
  6. Dunno about stem but high rise bars like rockbars or inspired bars, I'd say.
  7. I bet you'd be more comfortable on a bigger bike. Anyway, higher, longer stem/bars is the usual fix for this.
  8. That colour you really like.
  9. Dunno, I've never spoke to him except to ID him.
  10. I dreamed this guy who I recognize from work was chasing me and my mate so when we got enough of a lead we collected up some weapons and then beat the shit out of him, stabbed him and stuff. I snapped his neck, he wasn't dead then but it would've killed him if he did anything else violent. A little bit later he came back in some kind of super hero armour and there was a reason why he was fine, but I forgot it, anyway when he approached our base I picked up an axe and attempted to cut off his head with it.
  11. If someone did that to me, I'd catch them, cut them into pieces and feed them to anyone who found it funny. Here's my glamourous assistant modelling the knife I'd use.
  12. Look at him, he looks sad. That's because he looks like a c-unit and he knows it. Also he has the haircut of a monk.
  13. Street view doesn't always allow good pictures of spots. Sometimes the spot's at an angle from the road, sometimes it's behind a tree or away from the road, sometimes there's no road anywhere near it. What if you could upload or link pictures to a location? You could have pictures of the location or pictures of riding from the location so you knew what was there and what was possible? It might need a bigger server, perhaps something to consider for a release candidate?
  14. I like HIFIs for some reason.
  15. Rims are not steel, they won't rust. Nitromors doesn't damage any threads. You would need to protect the bearings, yes. So you are going to raw the hub too? If it's anodized, good luck, it won't really work.
  16. If that was the case, al-Qaida would jump at the chance to screw things up for him. In fact, it's surprising they haven't denied it, even if it is true. The only reason I can think of for them to admit he's dead when he's not is for him to go into hiding... but he was already in hiding for years. I think he's dead.
  17. Ciguena 24". You won't find many of those!
  18. The link doesn't work for me.
  19. You risk snapping your crossover doing that. Unless you have a braided one, in which case, you don't.
  20. Revolver

    Wheel Dish

    You're right. I usually tighten first, but it doesn't matter, so long as you use the same amount of turn on each spoke.
  21. Revolver

    Hulu in the UK

    Luckily for you, someone already has, you just need to use the right search engine.
  22. I'd've used my Canon. I might've given you a metal sign out the window...
  23. Aaah, it would be good! No, wasn't me. I was with my mate in a green corsa that time.
  24. Oh no! Does that mean there will be no mini drafting Rowan's van this DJ ride?
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