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Everything posted by Revolver

  1. Fourplay frames seem to be pretty strong, so I'd not worry about it. Cover it up and forget, lol, if you hear any strange noises look then.
  2. http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10150609068240304.677408.663960303 A handful of snaps from me. Check out the supertuck!
  3. Hmm, but the swelling doesn't take place immediately else no water bleeds would work, and opening up a brake to check what's in it doesn't seem like something you'd do.
  4. Revolver

    Mark By Ben

    You bmxer, you.
  5. Sam Jones was filming a bit, we'll have to wait and see!
  6. Revolver

    Jack Meek

    I like the first two clips, those are some good lines right there.
  7. I would love to watch that, partially to scope out long eaton without going there, but that video's just so dark!
  8. Nice chilled street sesh with the couple of guys I met today. Skoze's bike is awesome.
  9. Hurry up and finish it then!
  10. Just clicked through the options. I realised I left the name blank, and that's when I realised I couldn't go back and edit it. Perhaps a little code to stop you entering no name? Like you get on password fields or what have you.
  11. Also there's no back button for the filling in a new spot form thing. Firefox 4.0.1, W7.
  12. Eye of the beholder. Besides, you're the mum, you're meant to say that. Just don't try and make anyone else say it.
  13. Sometimes on disc brakes the pads move, and it could be that. Make it do the sound, watch for any play. If it's the pads, you should see the disc move and nothing else.
  14. Hahahaha. Also, I find it funny you signed up specifically to complain that we were taking the piss out of baby competitions.
  15. That kid bottom left is on his way to a handlebar moustache.
  16. Fools, how can you get a warranty replacement without sending it back to where you got it?
  17. He did a whole video where he shits all over anyone normal without a chain.
  18. You would need a paint gun thing for that, if you brushed it on it would look shit!
  19. No. The reason, glow in the dark is a quality of phosphorous, and that glows a greeny colour. I have a glow in the dark front wheel on my bmx though, Stolen Roulette. It only glows in pitch black. The night isn't pitch black, thanks to street-lights.
  20. Should I leave mine at home then? I'm going over to my bike stuff now so let me know NOOOOOOW.
  21. If I have that day off from work... I'm there. According to my holiday form, I don't. If only it was a sunday.
  22. Wear some more stylish clothes, that will make your riding more stylish. People will say, 'Woah, look at that guy in the stylish clothes, isn't he stylish? And he can do tricks too!' To be honest, the frame rate on that video is awful and you can't make out detail in your movements because of it.
  23. Doh. Back on topic - Nice.. frame.. I really like it's... frame..
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