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Everything posted by Revolver

  1. I am disappointed I missed out on this.
  2. Lol, I'm in it twice. Well, technically everyone who went is in it at least once, so that aside.. I'm in it once.
  3. 'Oh look, a letter. Don't recognise the address.' Post. Or ignore it, if I was going too quick to really notice.
  4. Have you resprayed it again?
  5. That doesn't make any sense, 259 mph isn't the same speed as 158 mph, and the veyron's faster than that.
  6. Although I hear you can only get to the boot from the back seats, which is a bit shit, so maybe I'll pick something else later.
  7. Those need to be parked next to a normal car as well.
  8. All freewheels and freehubs do this. Even when new.
  9. Cool, now learn some tricks. And more lines. And don't swap cameras mid video. And don't have video going after the music stops unless it's a good bail or good move.
  10. Hehehaha. Yeah, stick to vimeo, youtube is gay. It helps if you put 'THIS ISN'T MY DAMN SONG' and 'You can buy it here' somewhere in the description though. I did and mine is still up.
  11. Hiyoooooo! It got taken down within seconds of you putting it up.
  12. Well, I'm still here, which means either it's a load of shit or I'm going to hell.
  13. Team Going to Hell, UNITE!
  14. Those look pimp, but split clamp is absolutely the best.
  15. Get a helmet, this is a must. Some people wear gloves, mostly to prevent callouses, or MANLY HANDS, from developing. Some people wear shinpads, I have some (661 veggie pads) but I don't wear them too much. It reduces the sensation of shin-digs but you can still feel it. Good, grippy shoes is often forgotten. Having some good shoes will stop your feet from coming off the pedals. I have Shimano AM40 that I wear sometimes, they turn shit pedals into ok pedals.
  16. The truth unfolds...
  17. Hooray! SMships for all.
  18. 26"? Check out the phase range.
  19. Oh right, it's just the beginning of the end of the world. Still got another few months before we all burn in hell. Damn, and I was hoping I could get out of doing this uni work. Now THAT is a good idea for a scam.
  20. Dunno about you guys but I joined the facebook group for looting people's stuff when everyone's dead.
  21. Cool, How come you didn't make another one yourself? If the tubes dented easily, you just needed thicker tubes. And your welds would only get better with practice. Keep us posted!
  22. That, but using wet mud instead of water.
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