Our sky here was toss, it's only better now because we rang up a few times complaining that it was toss. I think they ended up upping the power at their end for free. I didn't get the whole story though.
My vote is for Virgin, although I get the impression they're not the best over the phone to deal with, but their internet has been more reliable than sky's, which is the other one we've had.
It would be cool if someone made a nuts pro II axle, I reckon other riders would take one too.
Course, Hope wouldn't honour a warranty with one in. It'd let you use pegs though.
Lol, I thought this. You've got a list of how many people have jobs, and a list of how old people are, but no way of connecting the two.
Doesn't matter if it's only for curiosity though.
Not only is tartybikes basically the best place to get trials parts from... they also show you how to set your bike up.