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Everything posted by Revolver

  1. Forteh made an emulsion that you could use. Also I seem to remember people saying there's a chemical used by engineers that has the exact properties you'd want in a brake fluid. I can't remember its name though.
  2. You could pick up a bike box from a shop, bung it in there and pad it out and have it shipped in the hold when you fly. You could buy some castors from B and Q and ram them in the bottom when you get there and wheel it around.
  3. I've got it! I just want to know if I can give it to others. As said, it's a bit quiet. I know about JD's trick but I thought it was stopped.
  4. So, invites are reactivated?
  5. I always split crown races now, it's so much easier. You can slide them on with your hands.
  6. All your mates would've thought you were A LEGEND MAAAATE. And all of hers would've thought she was a pedo.
  7. I don't really drink, but even I'd say option 2.
  8. You've overcomplicated it. He should've pointed his wang at the lass, and followed that.
  9. It must be hard for you if you can't stop watching curtains.
  10. Ah, I thought they only made one, the set that Tarty Adam had. He said there wasn't enough threads on there to safely run a freewheel.
  11. It will weaken the rim. It might not even survive being bent back.
  12. Erm, it looks like you have a front freewheel on middleburns. What's going on there?
  13. Revolver


    There's a good reason the shawshank redeption is the top film on IMDB. It's good.
  14. So are you the cameraman?
  15. Shoot the big ones, remember. Both balanced.
  16. How deep, how wide, how much it's folded... the size of it!
  17. You can bend it back with pliers or a spanner but you risk snapping that bit off your rim. It depends on how bad it is. Show us a picture!
  18. You're looking in the wrong place. Screw-on fixed sprockets are very common in the trials world but not so much in other areas of cycling. As such, your best bet is good ol' Tartybikes. http://www.tartybikes.co.uk/screw_on_sprockets/c73.html
  19. Most trials cranks have a thread instead of a spider. You can either put a freewheel on there or a fixed sprocket, to compliment what's on the back. To fit a bashguard, you put one on the cranks before screwing anything onto it. The freewheel or sprocket holds it in place.
  20. Alu frame. Welding an alu frame makes it brittle. Don't do it unless you have to. Chemical metal might work, but legend has it it's pretty hard, so you might not be able to drill or tap it. So, looking at that, your option is - leave it at M6, find some way to put up with it.
  21. Yes. Mine do that when the callous that grows comes off. Gotta take a few days off.
  22. Revolver

    Easy Muffin

    Boo, get out. JOKE
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