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Everything posted by Revolver

  1. I'd go against your recommendation. The endo technique is good when you're starting off. The idea is to give you some extra momentum to play with whilst you're getting used to it. Later, you can do away with the endo and go for just pulling back.
  2. -. . .. - .... . .-. / -.. .. -.. / .. Also I looked on maps in wath and rotherham and I can't find it. Someone tell us where it really is, dammit. http://maps.google.co.uk/maps?q=rotherham+college&hl=en&ll=53.433552,-1.354102&spn=0.00271,0.004823&view=map&cid=1467661178753964789&t=h&z=18&layer=c&cbll=53.434038,-1.353191&panoid=EtnSegoM6tSbXGF60SmQAw&cbp=12,165.92,,0,32.11 Fooooooooooooooooooound it.
  3. OP also means original post. In this sense, the original post the original poster's original post in this thread is about.
  4. BAD GRAMMAR MAKES ME ANGRY. Also, now I want to go and look for the OP so I can find out what you said to slate them. Anyone gonna quote it?
  5. It sounds like you just don't pull back enough. It might be worth trying pulling back until you come off the back a few times. This is good because you learn how to bail off the back of the bike, and you get a sense of the balance point. When you get the hang of pulling up and coming straight off, try pulling up a little slower, a little bit more gently, and hop when you get to the balance point, the point just before you would hop off. When you do this, you'll find that you will backhop backwards quite a bit. When you can do that, you can work on tuning it so the hops are smaller and on the spot.
  6. Can you find it on google maps?
  7. What I've got in my avatar is the result of Batman and Catwoman getting it on.
  8. I didn't know chavs played musical instruments?!
  9. Hello! The link's in my si- Oh, I'm too late.
  10. I get this sometimes. Weirdly I've had an image come up like that on my PC but it shows up on my ipod touch.
  11. For people who self harm, harming them self is handling it.
  12. Where in Nottinghamshire are you from?
  13. Oh snap! Sorry, I'll get my coat. Edit: On the subject of the video, well, I watched all of it which is saying something. Keep it up! Oh yeah, here's a challenge for the next video, that spot at 2:00, use that sloped bit of wall as a kicker, quick 180 round and then drop down onto it.
  14. As ali said, high bb bikes are good at back wheel stuff. When I've rode rocks it's been hard enough doing two-wheel stuff, let alone back wheel stuff. You want it to be as easy as possible. Stocks are better at it too because the wheels are larger, they'll smooth out a bit of the lumpy surface of the rocks. Get a stock!
  15. Kyle seriously does epic taps.
  16. I like a relatively high bb on a shortish bike, I think. But I definitely think there's a limit to how high is sensible. I know you can even out the feel of high bbs with high handlebars but you're still raising the centre of gravity which reduces balance, and it will still loop out as said. Interestingly, when I swapped between my ciguena, 1025 +25, and my because 1040 +70, getting on the back wheel was easier, but actually gapping was exactly the same. Edit: That might have to do with me being shit.
  17. Get some grippier shoes. For the record, the shimano AM40 shoes are ridiculously grippy.
  18. Revolver


    To me it seems too soon for another spiderman film.
  19. Huh, did you buy it new just to sell on?
  20. Tracksuit bottoms and eyeliner is a weird combo.
  21. It's only a proto though meight, it's some next level experimental light weight shit.
  22. Mmm, well, originally when I chose 22-17 I had gears so I tried 18 and 16, which were both not quite there for me. When I went out on the suicide brakeless thing I built up, I did find the light gear to be weird. I think I'm used to my BMX's ratio for that.
  23. 22-15 would be too hard for me. It really depends on what you're using it for. ...and if you're prepared to get used to a weird feeling ratio.
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