26"s make better ordinary trials bikes.
24"s make better bikes for 180s and 360s and other moves you have to throw the bike around more for.
Not that you can't do that on a 26", Ali C and Rowan Johns handle theirs fine.
That's about the gist of it.
You can't get 12t freewheels, you have to put one on the front.
It works just the same except for there's more of a chance of getting your trousers stuck in your chain.
At sainsbury's they try, but the amount of bread and cakes alone that's to be thrown outweighs the people who come in buying it.
You do get odd people who come in and raid the super-reductions at night. I don't like it because I can't see how they can eat all of it, not all of it's freezable and some of it will only have a day or two past the sell-by of goodness in them.
P-r-ac-tice PRACTICE.
I can't sidehop at all, I'll be honest, but when you say you're either too far forwards or back, that doesn't sound like technique, it sounds like you just need to get a better feel for it.
It's always nice to see videos of street riders who don't have many videos.
Also I am really jealous of the quality spots you've got down there. I could cry.