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Everything posted by Revolver

  1. It can't be odd! It depends on your ratio too.
  2. Sell it and buy a fixed hub. There's ways, but it's a waste of a quality hub.
  3. Do it back up then, do it up tighter than it was. If it's not that, either it's bust or there's a bit missing.
  4. I'm very tempted to BUST OUT A MOTHERf**kING MOONWALK. But my back's giving me shit, so I can't.
  5. No, just don't grind in both directions, pick one.
  6. Whatever it says on the tin, yo. Usually 25%, I'm sure.
  7. Revolver


    Special effects. And video game references.
  8. You can get a shit one in LHD.
  9. Freewheels only work in one direction. If you simply turn it around, then it works in the other direction. So if you fit a RHD stuff as LHD, it'd be great for going backwards but not really much use otherwise.
  10. But it's not as funny! I dunno if they make 10mm axle 116mm spaced LHD bmx hubs, but if you can find one, you're in business. Well, you might, if you can get the matching front sprocket.
  11. Not really, no. Edit: I thought about it, and no, not a chance. NOT ON YOUR NELLY!
  12. My favourite bit is how it says 'Close please' in the title, and yet it's being left open. Clearly it's to make him feel like a tit for as long as possible.
  13. Only a goon would say no to a water bled brake that works.
  14. Ay yo beginner trials riders - Make sure to learn pedal kicks using the tried and tested wheelie-stop trick. When I was green to trials I tried using three methods - wheeli-stop, trying to kick from a back hop, and pedal-kicking to the back wheel and trying to keep kicking afterwards. Captain hindsight tells me I could've dashed in the other two methods, seeing as I actually got the hang of it thanks to wheelie-stop. So, use your pedals, get onto the back wheel, then give a sharp jap to the chocolate foot whilst letting go of the brake - you'll wheelie forwards a bit! - then pull the old finger in and lock up, set your feet back up for another jab and go again. The key is the timing. You don't have to add in the jump until later, that's overcomplicating it. When you can wheelie stop you can add that jump you've learnt through backhops. HEY PRESTO you can pedal kick.
  15. Hello charlie. The old favourite trick was to hook up a pump to the piston and blow on it. However if it's caused by the ol' piston soaking up a little bit of water, you've gotta give it a tiny little sand, and then lube it up good. Definitely can't have enough lube.
  16. WAHT, I use those pads and mine is sicks. Yo, you've gotta grind in one direction only. Scrape the grinder in one direction, lift it off and move it back, instead of colouring it in both ways with the grinder. Dig?
  17. Revolver in repping dirt jumper jake shocker.
  18. The head rocks? Undo the stem, tighten the top cap, do up the stem. The front hub rocks? Tighten the cones either side. The bb wobbles? Tighten the bolts on either end. Go do that and if shit isn't cured, we'll talk then.
  19. You might get a bit of interest here, but you'd probably get more if it was in the right section... NB88 has a nice inspired for sale. It's in your budget too, go look in the FS section.
  20. I use a light grind and good pads. 'Locks as hell'.
  21. Well, I thought Halo was going to be over, so the fact that it's not is YES. Even if I do have to wait over a year.
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