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Daniel Gray

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Everything posted by Daniel Gray

  1. Riding was sick edit was not.
  2. enjoyed that alot, cheers t33zr.
  3. Nicely done, liked the riding and editing.
  4. Ah! nice one, brings back memories of Evolve and contact.
  5. Some of those were stupid crazy vid there.
  6. True and true klevard was the man! that jj section with the massive truck, loved that soo much, got me into whiney pop punk lol. read above post tis not JJ its martin K, my mistake.
  7. It looks freezing lol, nice pics man.
  8. Daniel Gray

    G-code Hd!

    Nicely put together video .
  9. video Hey forum, just a link from Obsevertrials.net donno who this is but its a sweet vid anyways.
  10. no wrong, they would do it to slopped landing not to flat i believe.
  11. ah kk fair u added btw, but yee stay true n that lol, sammy wheeler listens to sweet tunes too. come to verse in london lol.
  12. Jon mack i have the feeling your trying to look cool by showing bands that people have been listening to for years why dont u have bane on the list and yer champion till death hahaa but seriously lol. and the reference at the bottom of your page, its not a fashion statement. im having a rant i will shut up. P.s i cant find your add button on myspace and are you going to see verse when they are in england?.
  13. Yer sick, but ahaha brilliant at the two second undress vid i saw that link too lol.
  14. ah! flipping hell at some of that, thats a proper mod rider looking forward to full vid.
  15. ah nutter! somesweet lines in that good vid.
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