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Daniel Gray

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Everything posted by Daniel Gray

  1. Get a proper pic up son.
  2. I cant make it saturday ben, however could you drop me your number dude? have not seen or ridden with you in years.
  3. Jack meek and i did mine in his shed with a grinder followed by a dremel and a file, was so funny. Worked well though.
  4. awful song, but the riding was f**king crazy neil.
  5. Same feelings as what most people above have said, Pine woods and sun cant go wrong with that, and that hook was f**king nuts.
  6. Nicely put together JJ, fairly sure i had some clips of porter sessioning some of the concrete cylinders somewhere? i always find it weird when i hear my voice on videos aha. See you this year man.
  7. was thinking oversized stem and smaller bars..
  8. thats cool man, your ideals, and i did not slate anyone at all Holy shit i see my small post on a forum has really rattled some cadges, people generally getting wound up about something because they cant compute. Where was the need in that statement MUEL, you need to listen to this guy My link might start to understand yourself a little better. Not sure why im still replaying to these. Topic over now boys, calm.
  9. yeah joe, need to get back down there soon. Jack?
  10. Oh you read that wrong, I men't i'm just an aware person with a mind and think differently to others. I am completely aware and agree 100% on everything you said above. I also deleted my twitter at the same time. Social networking has its pros and cons yes.
  11. Great as always dan, nice to see your enjoying other forms of cycling to. Keep that mind alive and creative.
  12. No, but i'm not trying to change the world, just trying to do my part. This conversation is going to turn into another negative battle. I give you props for your opinions i guess i should not have posted the silly comment in the first place. was an immature statement. I guess i'm Just a very aware person. The reason i'm a filmmaker for a living, and the reason why i ride trials just like you, i see things differently. anyways back on topic... Oh Trials forum i have missed you aha.
  13. Is this actually happening? Actually i try to stay away from Nike as they exploit children in 3rd world countries to produce their products... oh sorry don't you believe that?
  14. Your life man not going to get into a debate. Take it your the sort of guy who says that war is acceptable in some cases and that everything happens for a reason.
  15. What an ignorant child you are... I actually deleted Facebook to live a real life. To get away from the primitive status updates of unintelligent individuals such as your self it appears? i actually gave you a chance and pushed your comment of as a touch of humour on your side, as i liked your " the reality of growing up"... signature. If you read into the realities of Facebook, its actually a scary concept of where people lives are heading. I guess your just a sheep. Sorry for the outburst, your probably a nice person but what a statement... the internet does it again.
  16. Deleted Facebook months ago, just another product of control.
  17. I want to see a video of you manual dropping of your house on that.
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