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Everything posted by joshball

  1. K will do! Well my sis is doing phd in marine bioligy and im always dwn there over christmas but i expect it wnt be until the new year im dwn but yh add me on msn and i will send u a pm couple days before
  2. Give it a good service and if some of the pawls/springs are f**ked then replace them! Always make sure the lockring is ALWAYS tight! Or... Buy a new one! Echo.Josh X-x-X Hahahaha.... Good try... Echo.Josh X-x-X
  3. None of them! Get the Spec 2 of the Onza T-rex! And buy all your shit from tartybikes. Without a doubt the best trials shop in the uk. They do a f**king amazing job aswell! Echo.Josh X-x-X
  4. Avid with out a doubt! I havent really tried many other disk brakes but they are the best anyways!... Echo.Josh X-x-X
  5. I have a step sister in brighton... I will be there over christmas sometime... if you fancy meeting up! I will give you my number closer to the time! Echo.Josh X-x-X Whats your msn? Add me joshyball16@hotmail.co.uk
  6. Its the best way! I wont be there on the saturday but i will on the monday maybe... Get back from egypt on the sunday night! And my bike wont be built up! Thats cool add me on msn if you want buddy! Unlucky... I know im not going boys but this should be a beast of a ride! Danny Swindlehurst said he can come on the monday and if he does i will be there aswell! f**k college! Echo.Josh X-x-X
  7. Well you can if you want but i can only come on the monday hehe! Lmao! Well i wont be comming to it on the 15th im in egypt til the sunday sorry boys. But i can come ont he monday! Have my new bike aswell hehe! Ooooooo! Echo.Josh X-x-X
  8. Dont worry about it its better then some proper englich people hehe! Good effort! I enjoyed them and he is a great rider for the amount of time he has been riding! Anyways it was bad quality but none the less it was a good video/s Echo.Josh X-x-X
  9. Hahaha well good! Tell him to f**k off and you aint gay and you fancy your mum!
  10. joshball


    Well im swapping frames soo it was all worth it. Getting some new cranks for my birthday n all soo... Echo.Josh X-x-X
  11. Yeah i can do the 17th and i will have my new bike wooohooo Echo.Josh X-x-X
  12. Brilliant well if you wana come to worcs for a ride then i will go aswell on 30mins away plus i know the riders there so tht could be sweet! But going to egypt isnt finalized just yet sooo! Echo.Josh X-x-X
  13. This is an original topic and you should get validated if any mods/ senior members have a look at this! Nice one mate!
  14. That is sweet how much and where from?
  15. Change your gearing to something like 18:12 or 22:18
  16. You heard anything from the council about it?
  17. Its a shame really. Was up for this ride! But EGYPT. Diving in the red sea! Excellent! Echo.Josh X-x-X
  18. Well if there is gonig to be a law about wearing helmets and that it is compulsory. Well how are you going to wear a helmet? Worcster soon tris woohoo. Echo.Josh X-x-X
  19. Well said... Yeah they ought to be compulsory, because it is proven that if you dont wear one and you fall off you at greater risk of having more servier injurys! HELMETS ***... Echo.Josh X-x-X
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