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Matty M

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Everything posted by Matty M

  1. Sexaay stuff blair! That wall drop gap onto the other wall was pretty beast like! Keep Ze riding up! Matty.
  2. Brodie is a different rider. for 14 he is quite the tank on a bike eh? As for "our style." its a pretty good style if you ask me.
  3. Quite true suppose. Everyone too there own T'was last year dude . I Had just learned how to sidehop around about this time
  4. Exactly. There is no point tucking on something quite small like that? unless you are a midget hehe. I'm almost getting to the height of 6 blue chubbs pallets. now there a need to tuck on that! Matty
  5. Miiiiiint riding brodie. You really are one of the best up-and-coming riders in Inverness at the moment. Matty
  6. Sexy stuff Mcinnes get thee full video oot!
  7. haha! looks like a page 3 model in that pic. probably looks like a meth head now . Matty
  8. I shall be once i have my Zona like.
  9. His Czar id pretty fit like Lucky guy...Ride 'er well. Matty
  10. My mate has a hope hose on his rear maggie(Y) works a charm.
  11. Aparently the geo is meant to be longer than the other monty's(Y) As for people hating montys? pfft try riding a TI. honestly they ride so well. i've only ever heard good reports about them. And as for the whole "they are sh*t for" thing? they cant be that sh*t if monty have won over 20 world titles?
  12. Reminds me of a t-pro? looks nice though.
  13. Silly me should of used the search. haha forgot all about it. sorry guys Halo 3 is quite the game! but COD 4 is even better
  14. Alright people, i was just wondering... anyone on the forum kicking about on xbox live? (preferably on a 360.) if so then fancy giving out gamertags? i know it sounds perverted but who knows whos into that kind of stuff on here? haha! it would be good seeing some of you guys in action on halo 3 or something Matty.
  15. Matty M

    Bike Help?

    Cheers for the help guys decided to get a zona zip rode my mates and it feels lush. perfect length and height too .Matty
  16. Absolutely loving the new brake if only that was avaliable to the public
  17. Nice taste in cars mate metro 6r4's are where its at guys!
  18. Matty M

    Bike Help?

    Hey all. i sold my last bike which was a t-pro ultimate. im quite a tall guy i think im 5ft 10? i kind of out-grew it a bit so i may be looking for something a bit longer? anyway im into street and natty. so i would be looking for something thats ideal for me and my size? im not really that rough a rider? help please? matty.
  19. I would imagine most deng pads will use the same compound throughout the range? just get a pair of heatsink pads hold nicely
  20. alright mate, what year are your tensile cranks?? i had last years version. felt good but... cracked the bottom of them (very small crack. would of became bigger without a doubt.)while riding the bike on some rocks. set of middleburn rs7's would be nice.
  21. Monty 219 alp '03 that bike had the worst brakes going. but damn it rode smooth apart from that.
  22. Ross they did seem to hold pretty well earlier on... just ride your zona for now!
  23. What everyone else has said. steer clear of them! i considered getting one at one point for my old t-pro. but after hearing all the bad stories about them i stuck with front freewheel;)
  24. My first bike i had was an old school monty 219 alp. And damn was that thing a machine (well it had vee's and they were pretty crap.) but yeah monty's are strictly comp bikes yeah they are going to snap if you are doing like 13 foot drops come on a bit of sense please! matty.
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