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Matty M

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Everything posted by Matty M

  1. That is a great spec'd bike! good range of parts and didnt over do it with loads of deng anodized parts lucky person whoever owns it.
  2. Cool im just wondering would it be as reliable as a tensile though? top marks if it does
  3. Im looking for a new freewheel and i found this on Trials-UK. so any good points/bad points about 'em? cheers. Matty.
  4. Some parts could be faulty from the factory too? most people take onza for granted. They are actually a really abitious(sp?) and prosperous company providing really good bikes at a competitive price. They must of done something good to be at the level they are now?
  5. No ones too old for trials mate
  6. Good stuff maytee you brilliant for your size and age
  7. hahahaha! looks like some action on there for Ross If you read this ross? i love you really you big sexy mullet man
  8. Oh god mcinnes...You sir are a weapon!! at this rate your progressing at theres gonna be no stopping you! loved it! Matty.
  9. Oh toshay!(sp?) quackers that was quite good mate. i didnt know if you were being sarcastic or not in your first post or not? so sorry for that as for saying it to your face? i would mate but id rather save the train fare for a ride rather than travel down to england for what say a few words? calm yer boots
  10. Nice vid had a really laid back feel to it. Unlike half of the vids on here lately Matty.
  11. Matty M

    Ross M Vid 5

    Get it shaved ross! i don't wanna even investigate whats hiding in there i agree with chizz. That underoath song is too overplayed now should of just used saosin or something. Matty.
  12. I witnessed you doing it i hope to sort myself out. IF my bike ever arrives
  13. Look people are supposed to help others on the forum not try be queer to people. There would be another forum called 'queer forum.' for gay people providing crap posts. Mcinnes you sexy boy you've got a technique now just dont nob your stem as much Matty.
  14. I dunno i have never personally rode them. but.... DMR v8's are really good easily mantained can take a right bashing and you can replace the pins They come in some pretty decent colours too (if thats your thing.) Matty.
  15. Matty M

    Ross M Vid 5

    You may have a mullet ross but your riding makes up for that keep it up! Matty.
  16. Thanks for the help guys helped alot! Ross Mcd made it sound like hell when you had to set it up cheers. Matty.
  17. Alright all! right i would love to find out how to send money through paypal? sorry if its a repost guys! also isnt paypal ebays own bank? thanks. Matty.
  18. I live in scotland aswell i dont see whats the beef with 'chavs' or 'neds' or whatever you wanna call them. Its the people inside their "scene." that matter. yeah some emo's can be right C*nts. Or neds who act like absolute w*nkers. I hang around with/ride with both of these types of people and the thing being they are mostly all sound. Yeah there are some pretty big cocks out there looking ot make a name for themselves or to make the odd £20 quid for a quarter of hash by stealing your steed. Just remeber there is some decent guys out there Matty.
  19. Hey there dave and welcome to the forum If your looking for an onza? and have the cash? try and get a t-pro off supercycles. They still sell the old hs33 versions. But if you havent got the cash head on to ebay. It's full of trials bikes right now. Matty.
  20. Perfect example of why nobody seems to like NM's. you show little respect towards full members, dont use the search and post about topics that have probably been posted by a dozen people before you. Validation is out of the question for you mate. Matty.
  21. Natty used to be better at it but i still love it
  22. Your english is probably better than half of the folk on here anyway mate! Bike looks nice though Matty.
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