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Matty M

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Everything posted by Matty M

  1. Higgz that was good enjoyed watching that. I wanna pay a visit to your wee pallet fortress haha keep it up dude
  2. There was some quite good sections further down near the water it's just that no one could really be bothered at this point so we stayed at the same point for a good hour and a half. Brodie should really just stick with Pleb's Neon, just a wee bit good? aha. Good riding.
  3. I am in love with the look of all of the new frames they look really good. If i had the money...
  4. That looks alright to be fair ross you've done alright with it bit more lovin' and it will be saaaaweet. What cranks are you gonna run?
  5. That is lovely :$ an inspired is defintely what i am gonna try and get next I think he means ordering from t-uk
  6. Nice one due You've progressed since i seen your last vid (The adamant looks nice ) Gutted about the forks though, they were soo light, cheers.
  7. that looks lovely!! how does it ride?
  8. Is it me or is that photoshopped? Thats well gonna end nasty if its real
  9. I agree ross. Damn found a pretty funny one but i lost it Edit: got it, might be small though lol.
  10. Dude that was mint! the deadmau5 remixes were the tits both genres you done were amazing well done.
  11. Ooft thats nice! ride it well
  12. Your riding has improved since you done the swap, good wee video, keep it up.
  13. Yeah definitely! Jason was alright aswell but his work wasn't really up to the standard of Metallica imo. He is still decent as a bassist just lazy though. Did you know Les Claypool (primus's bassist for the guys who didnae know ) auditioned for Metallica? he is a master. Breaking benjamin are pretty good aswell. yeah and im listening to Massive attack-Angel tune.
  14. Metallica-suicide and redemption. All of the new album is amazing imo. Would be better if Cliff Burton was still alive though
  15. +1 Went there last year for a week and its such a nice place. Great Yarmouth is mint for riding to be honest.
  16. Your set-up looks really nice the way it is but yeah the trialtech stems are top notch bits of kit, a few guys around here have got/ getting them.
  17. Boring to be nice, do you think we have night vision or something? i could barely see any of the dark clips. Sorry mate but nah.
  18. Like the ADS system on the identiti bikes? that would pretty good to see in a trials bike to be honest it is pretty good system! hopefully deng isnt the one to develop it either..
  19. Nice bike mate what forks are you running? i love the geo of the gu le frames they ride pretty well.
  20. That was a good vid i can geniunely (sp?) say i liked that cause it's my kind of riding, chillaxed good work mate.
  21. I love your bmx it looks ace! Your GU is pretty nice too lucky guy
  22. Depends really, if your wanting to do spinny sort of danny mac style trials then go for the inspired. if your just doing normal street or natrual trials the go for the 24/7 (im presuming it is the holroyd.) but who am to say? your choice either way have fun
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