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Matty M

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    Matty Mowatt
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Trials Dude

Trials Dude (3/9)



  1. R.I.P Danny :( :( Last time we spoke seemed so long ago... throwing condoms on a KO'd old dude outside the co-op... hope your seshin' it up there mate xxxx
  2. When i read the title i thought this was a jamie williams sponsor me thread. What your doing is admirable dude, good luck
  3. That looks insanely nice! what is the cost of the full build?
  4. Well gutting hunter your bike is so nice aswel shame really. Could of guessed trialstar/pedo ross spotted it, only thing he is good for.
  5. Next "big" rider in the uk me thinks. Brilliant riding.
  6. Exactly but black and silver have been used untill overkill. Although the frame could be something special? perhaps taken out in a few different colours? although that would cost more money you don't see alot of variety in colours on just one frame in trials (apart from a few but still.) Onza could be appealing to alot more people instead of following the same trend of black and silver. Preparing to get slated now... haha.
  7. I doubt thats the bb height my friend. Perhaps 35mm. Just use the search to check for a topic on the bike, if that fails just google it up
  8. Really enjoyed that. Probably one of the first natrual vids i've taken a genuine liking to. Keep it up
  9. Getting good? mcinnes is easily one of the best in inverness stump You really should of got the 49" siddle hop for the vid you sexy boy! Thought i'd comment twice for the afro
  10. Is that 25:9 gearing? good to see dmr moving forward and using that ratio if it is:) didnt the old transistions have rigids? been too long since i rode mtb
  11. I'm on 2 -4 a day but i smoke rollies which i find might taste worse but are much better towards my health. I ain't addicted or anything but if you concentrate on something either than smoking say riding or similar then i find that a good help for when i need it.
  12. Ahahahahahahahahaha thermo! Good riding both of you but scott get rid of the black mumba.
  13. New CLS vid within the year? pleaaaase? haha.
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