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About mikejrsmith

  • Birthday 05/09/1987

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Trials Newbie

Trials Newbie (1/9)



  1. http://www.trials-forum.co.uk/forum/index....51&hl=phase http://www.trials-forum.co.uk/forum/index....18&hl=phase its ok for the money, ive bent the front disk now but its ok dont get hs33's on evo mounts, if u get it get some good pads from tarty a brake booster and new avid sd7 levers, it feels like a totally different bike, ill prob make it single speed soon too the only thing thats the same on the 1.3 as the 1.1 is the frame if your not sure youll stick with it its definatly worth it hope that helps mike
  2. ok tarty were very quick on the reply unfortunatly they have sold out of 07's but the 08's are expected in a months time think im going to get myself at the head of the queue
  3. hello everyone ive just sent an email to tarty but wondered if anyone on here new what time of year the 2008 models come out becuase i really want to buy a new bike but i dont no if i should wait if they will be out soon, im after a gu mod which according to tarty are being discontinued can anyone shed some light on the situation? thanks mike
  4. if you are enjoying playing around on your mountin bike you may not need to invest in a new bike quite yet, i bought a bike then realised i couldnt do anything on it! I personaly think u should spend a bit of time on track stands (balancing moving very slightly), bunny hopping and rocking(one wheel at a time). You can do this on the bike you already have. Look for ryan leech on youtube alot of his instruction video is on there and will explain everything im talking about. When you find a bike you like you will already have the basics sorted, although anything more advanced will be much easier on a trials bike. wheelies and endo's are always a classic on a mountin bike. hope that helped. mike
  5. im up for coming out, my talents could be matched by my gran though so dont get ur hopes up... guildhall at 11?
  6. check ur email u cheeky lil scamp

  7. ive got one had a topic a few weeks ago about upgrading it had it just shy of 2 months, for the price you cant really go wrong but ive found the back brake terrible, front is ok, rear hub is lame, my gears skip but im not sure if that is just bad set up frame seems quite good but now i want a mod because i had a go on a gu typhoon and it was soooo dam easy on the back wheel, if ur just starting out u might wanna consider mods aswell, click this link to my topic hope that helps, mike
  8. fair enough good reason! although I think it would last me a while that certainly wouldnt be a very good day! seriously taken into consideration
  9. such a split of opinions, i understand they are prob the cheapest bikes around but have u heard of them snapping? im really not doing anything brutal just kerbs and maybe benches in the not to distant future big man i no.... im really pushing the limits
  10. i think theres a divide between the people who work for their bikes and the people who either get mummy to buy em or have some kinda bike fund laying around thanks for the advise i think that changing the pads, cable and adding a booster to the brake is a good idea and i will give that a try if not ill replace the brake with another v not sure about the front yet but im tempted with a bb7 and a new pair of levers, if a light fork is a real bonus then that will be next on my list, what benifits would a new wheel give? if its just strength then i will prob wait till i mush this one not doing anything bigger than a curb at the moment! i do want to make the most of my riding and make it as easy as possible for me so keep the comments coming they are really useful! what does everyone have against team mad? thanks mike
  11. this might sound stupid but it might be a problem with the computer or internet explorer maybe try it on another computer? even at a library if you cant get one or download mozilla that might work, just guessing though, mike
  12. ive just started i bought a £300 pound bike now its annoying me and i wanna spend more money on better parts you really should spend as much as possible or go second hand, it will definatly be worth it in the long run if your going to stick with it mike
  13. nice 1 seems like well a sketchy request wont hurt it i promise i can bearly hop on my backwheel will be good to see some other riders c u then
  14. hi everyone ive seen that people are going down to portsmouth this saturday the 11th, id love to come down and meet some other riders im from hayling and i dont no anyone else who rides ive only just started, im really considering getting a new bike as my other topic shows would anyone let me try out a mod or any bike they consider worth me getting ive got a stock but i wanna be sure i preffer them before splashing out on an expensive bike, i promise im not a random chav trying to steal ur bike! "lets 'ave a go on ur bike mate" i dont mind if no one wants me too as it is ur pride and joy, c u saturday mike
  15. thanks everyone for your reply's im seriusly tempted with a new bike now! been counting up the pennies and im not sure if its worth spending any more on this bike, anyone considering buying this bike, DONT unless you can afford another next month! i dont regret it though because i wasnt sure i would enjoy riding trials which is basicly the only reason to buy 1. mike
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