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txt2007 last won the day on December 20 2010

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About txt2007

  • Birthday 11/05/1992

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    Frame - Trex Forks - onza tuff guy R + F brake - 05 maggies

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    Trials<br />Moto Trials<br />Enduro<br />Swimming<br />Rugby league
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Trials King

Trials King (4/9)



  1. Just got a part time job at halfords and was wondering what if any policy they have on piercings, i have my nape done already anbd was planning on a few others but not if im going to loose my job over it...
  2. i forget what the name of the place was but it was around eskdalemuir. Was a really interesting night! Just got back from lands end, which by the way is horrible, rear wheel died 16miles away from land end had to but a new one from penzance halfords! Not as many pictures this time purely because it was just boring busy roads, met tons more really nice poeple who offered to put me up for a night, feed me ect ect.
  3. My brother tried, to be honest i was just going to go bother the neighbors he's the one pushing me to ask on all forums and stuff. But he said because there isnt a specific charity it's being a pain, but i thought by not chossing which charity myself the person who wins could choose a charity that means something to them.
  4. Hey, i've just got back from john ogroats, i went up the east cost through edinburugh and it's flat, the only hills are before dunbeath 20% down then a 20% climb, the worse hills ive done so far where around slaidburn, and from what everyone's been telling my devon is the hardest because of the continous rolling hills. How are you going through scotland, because after edinburugh i went along the a9 past aviemore to inverness that way but it was horrible so if you're going that way, go through braemar, cock bridge, and up that way, it's alot hillier but it's worth it. In edinburgh i stayed in a place called bilston, it's awesome there, it's a protest site against a road, so theyve built tree houses and tunnels, if you havnt already prebooked accomodation stay there!
  5. I've changed my facebook settings, so pictyures should be viewable, but i will embed them, or whatever it's called. should really try and sort out where i'm camping though for down south =/
  6. i'm not getting anything from this, other than the experience i figured at £2 a bet if i get 50 people to donate then thats £100, 50 goes to the winner 50 goes to their charity, or if they like they can donate it all, just thought it'd be more interesting than your average charity collection...
  7. Hey, i started from my house in warrington on the 15th of this month and went john o'groats first and have returned home for a day or two to allow my kit to dry and to try raise money, then i'll set off to lands end then all the way back. So far i've stayed with eco warriors in tree houses, tibetan monks, at poeple's houses i've met along the way, and slept in a bus shelter and someone's front porch. The trip started off as a personal thing, to challenge myself, but has soon turned into a "meet the poeple" trip, i've met so many lovely poeple already and can't wait to get down south. My mileage has varied quite abit from 30miles to 160 and i'm not sticking to the conventional end to end route so google maps wont aid you in your bet! Each bet is £2 and who ever guesses the nearest mileage gets to keep half the money raised and the choice of who they want to donate the other half to. Also if you wish to place a second bet it's £3, and my speado goes to a tenth of a mile so i can take bets like "123.4" If you're interested just send me a message with your name, guess, contact number and name of charity you'd like to donate to (i've put it on the sheet so poeple who don't know which charity can just pick one from the sheet) edit - don't know how to work the photo's all the pictures are on fb here.... http://www.facebook.com/#!/album.php?aid=19831&id=1771576386&ref=mf My "tent", in inverness after a day of pure rain, the biggest problem i have with my tent is people being able to see you, i've had quite a few "you sleep funny" comments
  8. yup bikes still for sale

  9. Hiya mate,are you still selling that onza t rex?

  10. thats what the guy i go riding moved from he had one of those scorpas and it was a lovely bike but then he switched for some reason. only had a little go on his 4rt but it's lovely amazing torque and power delivery really smooth but can be ridden aggresively.
  11. i can't remember the noise =/ I jumped straight from my gasgas to his 4rt and it was much more responsive i find on my gasgas you have to wind it up loads to get anything from it. The weight you just can't feel and with the right maintanence they're going to be just as reliable as any other trials bike. and regarding cost, it's worth it. I've decided to give my bike to my girlfriend to teach her how to ride and look after the bike because it's such a good easy bike to learn on but i dont really like it anymore. And nobody does the "you must ride a 125" thing unless you are competeting at a certain standard underthat i think aslong as your not on a 600cc monster or something then theyre okay with you writing down 125 and going jumping on a 250. i put a 125 decal on my 200 just incase but that was when i was doing competitions i prefer setting out my own sections now not really into the trials scene.
  12. gasgas's are put together by a blind man who's spilt all the different bolts and stuff on the floor the build quality is poor to say the least but tbf reasonably cheap and light. They lack the torque that is given by beta or montessa but for the more trick type of riding as in going over logs and the like they are the prefered bike. Alot of people have problems with the newer gas gas's like the pro's because they are built with competition in mind and favour lightness instead of durability imo. though alot of young riders swear by them. i personally ride a gasgas txt 200 (which isnt a 200 it's a 165 =p) and i've never had any problems with it it's utterly bomb proof but i love the feel of the fourstrokes especially the beta and if you have the cash then thats the bike you want because let's face it two stroke are dying out and the quality of build and performance you get from these four strokes just can't be topped by twostrokes.
  13. I know from enduro riding when i ran soft compound grips i ripped my hands open but then i switched to a hard compound and it's been allright since. Something to do with the rubbing that soft compounds allow.
  14. txt2007


    Isn't it in 3D aswell? if so has anyone seen it in 3D and normal? cause if i'm thinking of the right film i'm not sure which version to watch.
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