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About mintsauce96

  • Birthday 06/17/1980

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    errrrrr... dunno. *sigh*
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Trials Dude

Trials Dude (3/9)



  1. That cheeky little pedal move at 2:22 is so good, I remember seeing that in one of the old vids.
  2. Great little vid that! Some of the spots look mint 👌
  3. I sometimes ride in Warminster. Not much to ride on here these days though. Are there any good spots in Gillingham? Just realized I'm 5 years late to the party 🤦‍♂️
  4. Quality video, loved the inventive lines!
  5. I use endomondo and recommend it. Lots of useful features such as auto pause and ability to add your friends and connect with facewaste. Also gives great info on your rides such as how many burgers you have burned )
  6. mintsauce96


    A miserable video made on a miserable day by a miserable trials rider
  7. mintsauce96


    non-existing editing, sorry I just don't have the patience for it! First ever vid.
  8. That was amazing. Best vid I've seen for a long time. Good find
  9. I like the streety style lads! Nice vid, especially loved the 180 over the plants to back up and gap... very nice... I may have to have a go Keep it up Kev
  10. No sorry, I can't make it this time... ... has been organised on a weekend I have my lad Nevermind, always next time
  11. That was one awesome vid guy's! You should be seriously proud of that Love the old school streety style Kev
  12. You broke it???? How'd you do that.... or need I ask?
  13. We'll come to you at Yarmouth! Not heard back from Karl yet though! Sorry for the mess about
  14. I use a smooth rim with Rimjam pads and find they work excellent If you want to ride in the rain I think a grind is your only option though. I personally don't want to grind my rim as I'm not keen on the noise and having to replace my pads all the time (had my rimjams on for over a year of regular riding now) plus the smooth option works fine and I don't ride in the rain.... you tend to get wet. If I get oil on the rims I just rub over with good quality sandpaper which works lovely Hope this helps, Kev
  15. Sorry people, but somethings come up at work and I can't make it for a ride on Sunday I'm well gutted. But I'm not working on Tuesday next week so will re-arrange for then. Karl... you able to ride all day Tuesday instead? How bout you Biddle?? Kev
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