In no particular order;
1. Uber long spagetti, so you have to keep winding your fork for about 5 mins for each mouthfull
2. Big steps, the sort of ones that you can get 2 feet on so you dont know how your supposd to walk up them
3. Religion
4. Chavs
5. Boy racers
6. Slatted back chairs, the ones that hurt your back soo much.
7. Pens that when you hold them down on the page for more than half a second, they spew out ink everywhere.
8. Old women with beards
9. People who let you down
10. Really hot food or drink, dunno why, it just pisses me right off
11. Homosexuals
12. Girls that use sunglasses for hair bands in the winter
13. Hoop ear rings
14. Fake fingernails
15. Crazy frog
Feel free to add, aim for about 10 or more :-