Well I usualy have open Firefox, MSN and one other program such as Paintshop or photoshop.
Anyway enough bitching of what are computers can do..
matt_pashley has email someone regarding building a pc for me, but id still like to keep my options open..
Id like a list of everything I need from switches to harddrives.
I'm aiming to buy all from ebuyer btw.
So I'll start;
Case - http://www.ebuyer.com/customer/products/in...oduct_uid=86647 - £21.14
That comes with;
* Dimensions:450mm(L)192mm(W)445mm(H)
* USB/Audio(front located)
* Drive Bays:3 x 5.25"(exposed)1 x 3.5"(exposed)6 x 3.5"(hidden)
* 350w power supply(no power cord)installed
* Thumbscrews for easy access
Ok, next?