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Mr Motivator

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Everything posted by Mr Motivator

  1. How about the 500 pallets that are next to your house in the builders site? Go ask them!!
  2. Wow I'm in the first pic :shifty: I was making that smooth?
  3. I kept getting wet as asda.
  4. Trials-forum.co.uk now officialy labels mono trials as.. 'shit' :shifty:
  5. Ok, my pads were great, then one day they went not so good. I only have about 4mm of pad left on the backings but I havn't got 17 odd quid to dish out on pads right now so I have just been whacking on a little tar here and there.. ON A GRIND!! :D So anyway, tomorow I plan to clean the tar off with muc-off and clean up the pads. I've tried rubbing them on a brick and glass paper but that didnt work well enough obviously soo I'm thinking of hacksawing a slither off of just by using a stanley knife? Hmm, actualy I might also whack a new disk in my grinder and give my ronnie its 4th fresh grind. Hmm, so yeah how do I clean off the pads propperly well? :shifty: Sam
  6. Just until is rock 'ard :(
  7. Slice the banana first and trickle brandy in there and then BBQ it :ermm:
  8. My zebdi is 1020 :( Dont worry about it, AndyPs echo was 995 with fattys, YES! 995!! but that was an echo urban prototype I belive :ermm:"
  9. What I'm emo now too :ermm:
  10. Its your personal pic.
  11. Mr Motivator


    Some SQ burns then :) Means you dont have to buy annother bottom bracket :D
  12. Brake doesnt work in any wetness :) Dry only, but I dont mind wet ground :D I can handle a little wind too :P"
  13. From James' gallery. Not that emo :)
  14. Mr Motivator


    Lock tight the botls in :) Or just by isis :D
  15. No they were, but as said before, they never went into full production. Sam
  16. The weather has just got sunny down here! Woo, rain is clearing :)" See you there.
  17. Thats the rotor you need :)
  18. They are the same material as the magura pads :D They wouldn't last very long. Get some EBC reds, they seem to be pretty good :) Sam
  19. Right. I can just about manage a kickhop left foot forwards :)
  20. Ok, umm. A PICTURE OF WHIE CRANKS!!!!!
  21. What ever fag that had this pair of burns I have here has put the lockring on the wrong way round so its been rubbing on the BB cup.. I just got it off and I cant get it back on the propper way. So recon itl be ok if I just put it back on the wrong way again? Check my bad ass focusing on my camera (Y) Sam
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