Well done, you probably destroyed your piston I've got a brand new gold 0.12 kyosho engine if you want it? £20 posted? I did something similar, but my engine didn't blow. I was just driving it down a long road, it had just shifted into second gear and then SMACK into a kerb. Was all good though Don't drive it too fast next time lol. edit: nitro engines are very tempremental and they do need adjusting every so often to keep them tuned up, try this to pretty much re adjust your engine completely.... next time u try to start it, make sure theres plenty of fuel in it, hold your finger over the exhaust and pull the starter cord (if you have one or press the button if you have a starter motor), keep doing this for about 2 mins (when doing this, dont use the glow starter or disconnect the wire going to the plug). Then take off your filter on your carb and holf your finger over the opening, pull the cord again for a couple of mins. Now your engine should be completely flooded. (You can also flood your engine by just pushing the primer button on your tank, but this only pushed fuel into the carb, the way i have described will pull fuel all the way through the engine). Go and fetch the small allen key to remove your heatsink/head (you may also need to remove your glow plug using a small socket set too depending on your head) remove the head/heatsink, and turn your car upside down and drain out all the fuel in the engine, there should now be no trapped air in the fuel line. Also inspect the piston and look at the plug and check it isn't black. You might also want to check you have no fuel in the exhaust too which might have pumped through through the back pressure hose Reassemble your engine, pop your finger over the carb again and pull the starter cord abput 3-4 times, this will condition the engine well with fuel. Connect your glow starter and try to start it as you normally would. If it starts and cuts out again, look at the opening in the carb (which will open when you pull the throttle) and make sure you have about 1.5mm of opening in there, you can adjust that by turning the idle speed screw. Also richen the fuel a little by turning the low speed needle about 3mm anti clockwise. Try starting again as normal, it should run for longer, if it cuts out again, increase the gap in the carb and richen the fuel even more. Keep adjusting till it runs at idle perfectly, dont increase the revs yet. Let it run a full tank of fuel at idle, then on the next tank try accelerating and eventually adjust the needles and screws to perform better at higher speeds. Man, that was a lot of writing. Hope i've helped