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Mr Motivator

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Everything posted by Mr Motivator

  1. Bowling rocks. I spotted your big smiley face in the 2007 Howies catalouge, boon
  2. Hmmn, seems a little unpredictable. If it does reveal the secret, at least we can knock this religion bollocks on the head.
  3. Yeah, everyone had them, well I did. Back in 2003.
  4. The Noisettes are supporting them tonight at Wembley. They are playing right now infact.
  5. I'll be there pretty much bang on 11. Is Martyn coming?
  6. Can someone sort his page out, there is some broken script in there RIP buddy..
  7. See u there homies. Need to fix up the bike a bit first, first time out in about 9 months now
  8. Going from a 21ept Hope to a 72ept King or Eno, has NO difference. However, going from a high engagement to a low engagement is quite noticeable for a short while untill you get used to it. Meh, anyhub will do as long as it's a king, hope, deng, profile.
  9. Why, you want it? Heatsink knows his stuff Don't think that he is able to produce a "short post" though, ever
  10. 11:00 @ Guildhall fo sho. Coming?
  11. My mums. However, I've had similar quotes from Footman James in my own name.
  12. A frame I made; Does it make you think, "I WANT ONE OF THOSE BEASTS!" ? Bet it does-nt. Draw it in CAD well, you can get away with not even making it, or just making a proto. What course are u doing?
  13. Fully comp with roadside, homestart and european breakdown cover
  14. Yeah. I think I make a pretty f**king good woman.
  15. Haha fatties! Enough abuse, back to the thread; My Gf's birthday party, with a Disney theme. I was Betty Boop
  16. Nick Manning did a pretty big one in Pompey a while back; Actually come to think of it, I don't think he did tap. Can't remember, long time ago. 57" I think.
  17. I'm with Carole Nash, they are pretty good. I'm 17 with a Mini and that's £550. Footman James are pretty good too.
  18. Wow, what did it look like from the inside?
  19. Doom. Sorry, is that too old skool.
  20. Sound good, but they wont take off. If you think you really need a games console, it's got to be a PS3, or an Xbox 360. Edit: Have you seen the PS3 double ender, I mean controler.
  21. I've seen the dolls before in my gf's mags. There was a guy that had one that said, I quote, "when having sex with my doll I like to think of her as a 13 year old naughty school girl". Now that is some SICK SHIT. Just like the 18 year old guy on here with a 12/13 year old missus.
  22. You try drawing something smooth and flowing in Powerpoint then! I'm not a Dick, stop making it seem like everyone is a Dick. I know lots about this shizwhack, ok your right, whack on a big exhaust and an induction kit/new filter and your car will run lean and shit, especially if you don't change the carb (if you have one) needle to suit. Most people don't know that though. Rolling road tune it afterwards though, and you'll be away. Also, there is no evidence to say that back pressure is needed, as it's not.
  23. 1998 MK4 Golf 1.6 - Dad's old car 1999 MK4 Golf GTTDI 1.9 - Dad's current car BMW Z3 2.0 - Step mum's old car BMW Mini One 1.6 - Step mum's new car Leyland Clubman Saloon 1.1 - My current car Austin Rover Mini Mayfair 1.0 - Mates car Peugeout 106 Rallye 1.3 - Mates car Vauxhal Corsa 1.2 - In a field Peugeout 307 1.6 HDI - Lernt to drive in Suzuki Grand Vitara GV2000 Convertible 2.0 - Mum's car Fav: The Clubby of course, it's mine!
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