Remeber Samourdillos? The cheaper, lighter, better solution to Armourdillos. Probably not. Started off as a bit of a joke, I got some material, cut it and stuck it and a few mates loved it so I started making a few. I've been out of the riding scene for a while now due to many reasons but I still have a few. They were first kicking around ages ago now, they were sprayed curved ABS and either velcro'd or doublesided taped on. I sponsored a couple of good people, who no longer ride now though unfortunately. GJordan had one, Harshrider had one, the_soon_to_be had one, a few more.. Anyway, they've evolved a little and will now fit your new crazy frames like GUs, and protect them better too. Iv'e got 10 left, you can buy them from here for 4 quid + some postage Cost covers material, effort making them and uni fees. Happy riding.