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Mr Motivator

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Everything posted by Mr Motivator

  1. Toxsin, 'burns, CK, Hope, Zoo, Echo, Maggy, Avid Juicy, Sun
  2. A place called RBM down here does it. No good if your up in Scotty though.
  3. Don't go riding with it in your pocket; I never get any signal too, the internal aerials are shite.
  4. Watched it, recorded it off sky and it's on the 'Tube. BBC beat me to it, but this is just Leon riding; Our "South Today" is so much better produced than your "Look East" by the way!
  5. Haha cool! I'll record it off Sky and pop it on YouTube this evening!
  6. Coolays. Havn't seen JJ and yourself for some time, like two years! Have to blaze up a ride sometime lol
  7. Try http://www.southerdownhill.com forum they're a bunch of freeride geeks, a few of them will probably be able to enlighten you.
  8. It should be here; http://www.dmrbikes.com/res/pdf/catalogue/BIKEDR.pdf However, that doesn't work at the moment.
  9. I havn't ridden properly for over a year. It's a shame because if I had kept it up I would be pro now. I've still got the skills though I'll pick it up again this summer.
  10. f**k you lol. Who calls them Ice Poles anyway that's the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard. I hate the things anyway, '99 Mr. Whippy for the win.
  11. I'm going to Surrey Uni, any riders there and is the riding good?
  12. I don't know if I can be bothered anymore. I have about 50 now.
  13. Log in to your PayPal, click Resolution Centre and file a claim. You'll have your money back within a week.
  14. What he says^^ Or buy some body filler. While we are on the subject of cars, and Waynio is here.. Waynio... I f**king love your Astravan. I've been driving the ones at work and I'm totaly in love, might have to buy one.
  15. True yes, I won't be doing that then. That's all I needed to know, thank you. Last minute bidding ***.
  16. If something is say 300 pounds, and that is the starting bid and there is no reserve.. If I bid 301 pounds, then immediately afterwards bid 1000 pounds (a price that no-one in thier right mind would pay for something like this) would I be certain to get it for 301 pounds because another person would have to bid over a 1000 to beat me? Would that work?
  17. Mr Motivator


    Id go for another pure, they are about 1060 if I remember correctly, or you could go for something shorter? What do you mostly ride? Harcorde full out street, uci street, or comps? Also, did you used to have the reefer with fluffy forks?
  18. Lol, there's more; http://www.google.com/romance/ http://www.google.com/googlegulp/ http://www.google.com/jobs/lunar_job.html http://www.google.com/technology/pigeonrank.html http://www.google.com/mentalplex/
  19. 110mm 10deg Echo stem with Zoo risers Go bigger diameter, it's a bit stiffer and I think it looks better.
  20. Thank you, you see Ash knows where its at. He always wanted one! I've actually just sold two!
  21. Remeber Samourdillos? The cheaper, lighter, better solution to Armourdillos. Probably not. Started off as a bit of a joke, I got some material, cut it and stuck it and a few mates loved it so I started making a few. I've been out of the riding scene for a while now due to many reasons but I still have a few. They were first kicking around ages ago now, they were sprayed curved ABS and either velcro'd or doublesided taped on. I sponsored a couple of good people, who no longer ride now though unfortunately. GJordan had one, Harshrider had one, the_soon_to_be had one, a few more.. Anyway, they've evolved a little and will now fit your new crazy frames like GUs, and protect them better too. Iv'e got 10 left, you can buy them from here for 4 quid + some postage Cost covers material, effort making them and uni fees. Happy riding.
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