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Mr Motivator

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Everything posted by Mr Motivator

  1. Those red and dark blue ones :S(Y) Or spray it matt black and get some chrome vinyl stickers made :D
  2. Yeah! 7ft wheelie gap with a spinny wheel :D Try pull the brake just as your tyre touches the ledge.. but if you do it too late or not at all... :S
  3. hope is stronger, and has 100% better customer service
  4. 21! :P When I saw you in london I thought your were like 16-17 :D :S
  5. Nooooooooooooooooooooooooo! Im off topic!!!!! :S I just quoted you so that your username would come up
  6. :off topic: lmao, your user name cracks me up every time :S soo random.
  7. Adds; Pause and resume dloads, The little links to get to places faster, Pop up blocker, Anti spy ware, Pictures seem to load faster, Few more things.. Diss adds; None Sam :S Get it! its free!
  8. nah, i looked on it.. but it was just for the url really :S
  9. After going on big rides and watching many videos I've noticed that there are a few riders around that ride without locking thier front brake when not using it, for example when doing gaps or ups where the front brake is not necesary. Personaly I think it looks quite cool having your front whell spinning when your on the back wheel. I've been trying this recently and it's kinda wierd as I have an extra finger that I dont know what to do with, but I can seem to be able to wheelie hop gap and up a little higher than before. Giro effect? :D" So do you do this? Only thing with it is that you either have to have no finger on the lever at all or one finger but not pulling it which is kinda hard as you could loose grip on the bar. Sam :S
  10. Funnily enough i have one sat right next to me :D Il grease it up and give that a gooo
  11. yeah.. who needs to buy it anyway http://www.wsp.slupsk.pl/internet/free_int...y_tv_watch.html :P
  12. How much servicing do they need then? I guess it works a little like a centrifugal clutch :P" Sam
  13. or your king axle has decided to snap overnite :D :P"
  14. ditto! I dont think the hop hop hoppy of trials helps either
  15. Wanado (old freeserve) are doing 1mb for 17.99 a month with a 2gb transfer a month and free connection and modem. http://www.wanadoo.co.uk/time/ Pretty darn good I think!! :P
  16. damn u got me.. :D I'll see what theyre like :- Im gonna make the other one tomoro..
  17. what ever length you want! those ones are about 10mm i think. (havnt measured :P)
  18. i tried to prize the pad off with a screw driver but only got half of it off and the rest is stuck in!
  19. Sorry i had to use a webcam to take them pics :- Ok, new design.. 5 little pads rather than 1 :P and also dirt and grime will go inbetween the gaps of the circles soo thats also a plus :D Only problem is.. iv only made one!! lol I had problems getting the old pad off the backing for the second one (any tips?) They seem to grip really well to a smooth but would be far too soft for a grind :P Sam, what you think?
  20. Yep. A week and a half and I'l have all that ^^ Mike lives in driving distance from the factory and just gets the factory to make it and then goes and picks it up (Y)
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