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Mr Motivator

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Everything posted by Mr Motivator

  1. nah you only need to do it once.. but DONT ride around with the brake on and then put water on it, as that doesnt work!
  2. 1. get your self a bucket or large cup etc 2. fill it with cold water 3. go get your bike 4. chuck the water over the rotor and caliper, soaking everything 5. take your bike out into the street (dont touch the brake yet) 6. ride as fast as you can in your weeny trials gear (still dont touch the brake yet) 7. at peak speed, and only at peak speed, grab that brake like a futher mucker untill you hear a gay noise 8. stand back and admire your work, it is bedded in! This is the way I bedded mine in, works everytime. Sam.. I HAVE helped (Y)
  3. You want; CK Classic 32/36h Stainless Steel Driveshell HD Axle Funbolts In what ever colour you like. RRP around £350 BUT! I got mine for £203 from aspire. Sam
  4. Yeah i snapped my kmc z in many places. meh (Y)
  5. That is where you are wrong. I turned the wheel round and put the driveside crank on backwards. Think about it :-
  6. You do know it's just my old mk5 zebdi right? :P
  7. When I get back tomorow im gonna put the back brake on, whack on a chain and use my mech that u dont need a hanger for :) Should be a good 'un. Iv'e already hopped on it and done a trackstand and it feels well sketch lol :) ps wheelbase is unknown till i find my tape measure
  8. New from planet-x; UCI bike Sam school friends idea btw
  9. Nah, marker goes all purpley. Tried that, looks wonk.
  10. Pic of my 05 hd axle and 05 steel driveshell Took it out the other day, so whats changed over the old one? Sam..
  11. Hey, wondered if you can get such a thing that u can spray on tyres to get rid of the writing on there, as I think normal black spray would just go all crappy and crack off? Sam, (astheticaly obsessed)
  12. I twisted forwards, if that makes sense. And ran radial on the non disk side :-
  13. You just dont stop getting better do you? :D edit, are those all in southampton? none of that looks that familiar.
  14. RBM Anodising Seagull La Emsworth Hants PO10 7QH United Kingdom Tel: (07866) 960528 Fax: (01243) 371932 http://www.trials-forum.co.uk/forum/index....ndpost&p=614387
  15. Thats because its soo strong. Use sapim spokes, they are made to stretch :)
  16. Must have twatted it pretty hard to do that. I run 23psi back and front and have given my ronnie some kinda harsh beef lol.
  17. Hahahahaahahaha!! ROFLMFAO! I was just on the phone to a lady friend and burst out laughing when I saw that! She was like wtf! :"> I done really care who the next pope is to be honest, religion is a waste of space imo.
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