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Trials Newbie

Trials Newbie (1/9)



  1. yerh but what is the difference when your riding the bike whatis the diferences between cassett and free wheel whilst riding thanx
  2. man that is sick ur a really good rider ur alsome u realy know how to ride som really good tricks there
  3. thanx man but dose it mean like anything else like when you go down a hill it grips on autamaticly instead of likr peddling fast to catch up to the whells speed to make the wheels spin faster or any thing like that (whats the difference between freewheel and cassette ) allittle more detail pleas thanx luke.
  4. hi guys im new and i am confused about bmx cassette wheels what they are how they are different to free wheels. i think it means that the crank (peddals) are spinning with the wheels and they dont stop unless the wheels stop spinning ,or dose it mean when you go down a hill the crank grips on straight away instead of trying to catch up to the wheels speed? I DONT KNOW PLEASE HELP ME!!!!!! and use as much detail as posible thanx luke.
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