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Everything posted by trials-lover-josh

  1. MONTY'S some are cheap but you want the new white one look lush !!!
  2. I have BBB foam and there sweet just rip quickly!
  3. My mate had one said it was light and strong but has been welded befor him !! josh
  4. Thats LUSH!!! would'nt mind than in the same type of paint in black :)
  5. Ive had a DaBomb short mod and i started on that... now im building my monty 219 and will post when ready so far i dont see much difference??? josh
  6. The earlier you start the better Cannt ride yet???? Montys my mission
  7. Alright tyler? this is josh one of Matt pengellys mate's? i do trials but cant ride at the moment bike needs alot of parts haha

    w/b josh

  8. I have a old school Monty 219 hydra but its fine...its a little short..i would rather a Echo cheers josh
  9. Well for a £130 + p&p off tarty you can get a set of new hs33 brakes so i would spend £120
  10. i dont know how much you would want to spend? but the 06 echos are fairly cheep or some onza lite guy ?
  11. Try order somthing in from tarty or see if zona have a site ??? dont know much thought about where to get them part from supercycles
  12. i hae got a da bomb bike not working also monty 219 still not working should be getting a koxx level boss short
  13. i dont know with 26" i havent riden one mabey a mbk or koxx ?? but are you selling your t-pro??
  14. finding the money for the parts i need haha...mmmm maby gettin good hight with my wheelie hops or gaps
  15. you might just need to tighten your chian... but not too tight other wise your crank will skip
  16. I wouldnt run a rear disc mabya new maggie ? whats braking aswell...is it just slipping because then you might need your rim grinded?
  17. i havent riden with one but i have been told not to get a isis crank as apperntly they are bad
  18. i know of a moto trials game miniclip
  19. havent riden with bb'5s have though with sd7s they're quite good but which would you prefer
  20. my confidence is quite low when it comes to drops...i slow build higher palletts...it sort of works don't know if this helped any one
  21. Alright im new too, what bike do you ride? i used to ride a da bomb now trying to fix up a monty
  22. you want the avid there very good so is the avid julie
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