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crazy_gap girl

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Everything posted by crazy_gap girl

  1. WELL!! takes bloody years dont it hahaha its funny well done good fined :) (Y)
  2. lol i really dont know why mines in there lol ... i mean.. its bent (litarly) :- haha n your is a piethon lol (Y)
  3. Tom you know you wonna get an e2 :ermm:" it will suit you...trust me
  4. :) Not bad nice little vid there, them rocks look beasty :P .... i wonna go (Y) Nadine..
  5. hehe this is nothing to do with this topic but Nick haha i like your sig (Y)
  6. ooo very posh sweet pics from hudds (Y)" haha my phone was ringing off the hook that time you was comin to hudds haha (Y) i didnt come out riding though :lol: Nadine..
  7. lol thank you iv got ipod mini and the softwear on the ipod has to be updated every so often (N) so if you miss that for soo long it wont work
  8. hay great vid music kinda hypnotized(sp) me (N) bit weird nice one :)
  9. update the ipod its self? (N)
  10. MEGA!!!!!! lovely monty control there, for some reason montys all ways look to ride the same haha great vid love the song ... in flames :P" well edited koolies (N) cheers nadine
  11. crazy_gap girl

    New Vid

    :o haha mega, sweet, smooth riding. love the dwarf boxers hahaha n that slip on the rock is ace :)" :-
  12. :- OMFG im just going to quit right this instant. :o nice one neil, but your too damn good! Nadine.
  13. cheers everyone sorry to bring it back up.. iv been away for a week hopefully i'll start to film again and i think i'll try some rail gaps or something lol just generaly BIGGER moves lol :o cheers Nadine!.
  14. get bucky with his huge sick ass bunny hops (Y)" sorted then :- if leech goes i wonna try n spot his wife seen as she ride trials too be ace to talk to another female rider (Y)
  15. You never told me you liked my bike, i dont really know why people like it soo much haha,.. i really want a new bike because the back triangles are basicly nakered on it :- cheers for the comments everyone (Y) and im glad you like the new site layout and the vid i may start filming again after i come back from ski-ing (Y) :- thanks Nadine..
  16. WHAAAY biff's vid... id download it but when i save target as it comes up with an error (Y) its 40 mb though isn't it?? soo id only get half anyway sounds good though :-
  17. That list sounds great.... but why dont you have some girls riders?? im sure all the lasses that go to the bike show would love to see a female face i would any ways (Y) all them riders are soo lucky gettin to ride in such an awsome event :- :rolleyes: i hope i can go this year Cheers Nadine..
  18. :lol: hehe, its good to see that you like it thank you :D guys
  19. err.. cheers dave but i like the way i am haha haha yess thats the now famous rich (Y) haha i didnt' see that one coming as i was soo proud of what i had just pulled off :P cheers for the comments every one (Y) night night
  20. :"> (Y) my ass is u.g.l.y i haven't riden half as much as i did for vid 4 :P altho before crimbo i traviled around every weekend lol (Y) but didnt dooo much riding because was kinda getting cold e.t.c
  21. WE?...... >YOU!< did hahaha LMAO haha that was a good day.. im quite thank full your bike broke because then you wouldnt of played with the camrea soo much hahaaa and siad 'SMASH' with a cold hahahaaaa i will post that pathetic fall some time :P and my laff :P" cheers guys + carl lol
  22. yeahh i know.. i CAN do better, but recently i havent been anywhere new and just rode aimlessly about Huddersfield... carl will tell you, because i had him traypsing round with a cold hahaaa :P i will film bigger and better stuff for the next one :P :P cheers though, its always good to get people kinda correcting you , because then you know where you can improve :P
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