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crazy_gap girl

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Everything posted by crazy_gap girl

  1. Nice site nick, good design!.. you will be added to my links as soon as i can be bothered :lol: :lol:" .....to update it that it :lol:
  2. awww yesss!! best vid in a long while :lol: nice riding from all three of you, well edited too :lol: MEGA!! :lol:
  3. haha i remember sam sending me that like months ago, haha its funny but, my GOD it must of hurt :sick: haha
  4. lol its ok kev, no ones purfect, but sometimes nick can be like that (not a chav ,but a male period lo)l, just gotta lern to forgive and forget :)
  5. wharrrrr kev haha :) lol . nick just post a pic up anyway, seen as your going to be doin alot of sitting down now youv hurt your ankle...again :)
  6. oh my god thats horrible :sick: id never do such a thing to a guy :lol: what the hell was going though her mind crazy mo fooo
  7. i'll upload it, but to that edgodihpjndpg thing lol haha my vid...... :) edit: i thought id broken my left ankle :lol: but i laffed after but when i did it every one laffed anyways :) the very famous frika Click Me!
  8. hehe that would just happen to be you :) :lol:
  9. haha really...ugly? :) i got told he was the sexy 1 hahaha lmao :)
  10. iv got it..i think basicly everyone has LOL :)
  11. was it in mbuk, in the hip hop bit for the site of the month or something, any ways i downloaded a vid off there like 1-2 years ago... n its got neil tunnicliffe on his brisa :) looks so old skool :)
  12. iv got a short vid of me falling off a 5 ft skip tis quite funny (Y)" http://www.eengoedidee.nl/videoz/bike-tria...l_hahahahaa.wmv enjoy . Edit: just watched it after a long while and... HA HA! my face (Y)
  13. haha err lol the first link looks not human but cock peircings :("
  14. haha car hole sounds better :) :(" yes car hole haha not gar-idge lol
  15. oh my god thats horrible lol :( errrrr :(
  16. that sites got everything iv found two songs off adverts i wanted, nice one mate :( :)
  17. opps sorry if its been posted, just some people get abit :( .. you know about seeing the same topic more than once lol hehe all the way though your cheek haha ouch :( Nadine
  18. gar-idge ITS SCOOOON hehe its because im yorkshire :( :(
  19. MMMMMMMMMMM :( has anyone seen this before? LoL image removed
  20. :) okies.. iv got broad band now so i could easly download it, but wont let a disk go to waste, and plus, be good to ride again with you :( :( Nadine..
  21. lol thats the way kev is haha iv spoken to him for too long that phone hahaa :(
  22. haha thats well weird..good though (Y) :(
  23. haha yup and james hyland, looks nearly exactly like tom haha its well weird
  24. haha ace, last bits kinda funny lol which ones fairy elephants then lol he's one who linked me haha :blink:
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