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crazy_gap girl

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Everything posted by crazy_gap girl

  1. om..FG that cant be an onza.. its too good hehe hope they make a 20" :P :P i liiiike it :)
  2. pics are alright till u get to dave.. OMFG :P (Y) :P
  3. now theres a guy who knows what he's doing :P (Y) :P
  4. ^^^^^ looks propper old skool (Y)
  5. ermm.. it seems to have worked for other people put their mob numbers in :unsure: i dont think its just for o2 users.. applys to any one.. i think
  6. i have the same sim im sending off for.. you topup you get 300 free txt's and a 10er to spend on calls i think its good if you top up more than once in the month then when the month expires you still have them other 300 txt from the other top up :unsure: confusing.. yes! i used to have a vodafone sim and i recon o2 with this kind of bolt on is the best.. i txt more than i do ring so it suits me really but i think its a good deal
  7. get it unlocked,... so it can have any sim :unsure:
  8. im on o2.. o2 sent me the txt.. how can it be fake LoL :unsure: iv ordered 4 (Y)"
  9. http://www.u-at-o2.com/freesim/ this has been up before...... but i just recived a text saying i can get free sims soo why not share it with you lot :unsure: Nadine..
  10. the 1st pic!! weird!!! the back rim looks like a front :unsure: i quite like that though (Y) but in purple (Y)
  11. awwwww oh my god i feel wel guilty.. probly because im just a nice person who dosen't like hitting people.. i know its only a game but awww poor little man.. haha sorry girly side's showing through :"> (Y)" :unsure:
  12. ohhh. i'll try and find a photo of my little gas gas 50 cc i got when i was 11-12ish but i sold it to buy my koxx hopefully me and my dad SHOULD be getting a scorpa.. or dream of getting one :unsure: haha sweet bikes soo far.. loving corish's (Y)
  13. sweet vid, well edited.. amazinly(sp) infact (Y) arr few clips from leeds there.. havent been threre in ages :unsure:
  14. wow thats sweeeeet!, lots of bails (Y) great!!, i would of thought that there would of been more people (Y) but hay that corse haha looked better than last years bike show :S :unsure: sweeet vid weldone :) Nadine..
  15. haha iv moved up in the world and now have broad band.. wireless infact :S go me (Y) how i coped with 56k for a whole year i DON'T know (Y) Nadine..
  16. koooooooooool i want one (Y) mega trick, the ipods sweet as well (Y)
  17. HAHA! lovley colours (Y) "YaaBaa"..Dabba Doooooooo! LoL (Y)
  18. been a very busy boy then tim.. haven't seen you in time.. hope every one can come.. nothing ever goes off in Hudds nah more.. since all trialskings have died out..lol Nadine..
  19. am ere am ere (Y) hahaaaaaaaaaaa lovly jubly purple is set to take over the world (Y) hahaa but sadly im going to lose my purple koxx soon *sobs*
  20. (i'll ask then) :P oh yeahh!... Nick do you wonna ride Hudds? :P by gum!!!! 11.30 .... :D haha i'll try and wake up for 10 then :D" (Y) Let's hope the weather holds up Cheers Nadine..
  21. that vid is truly amazing (Y) well edited.... by the way?.. what is the second song? it sounds mega! (Y) cheers Nadine..
  22. crazy_gap girl


    nice vid.. lovly bails!! :o them rocks look amazing to ride on :ermm: well edited too Cheers Nadine
  23. Downloading now!! :ermm: not baaaad!...keep up the good work :) :) cheers Nadine..
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