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Everything posted by Daffy04

  1. Its by-far one of the nicest looking mods i have seen. The green rims look super sweet and i haven't seen many white 20" frames.....well i haven't seen many white trials bikes to be honest apart from a brisa that someone rides locally.
  2. Welcome !!! I am just curious as to why it is such a big deal to use correct grammar ?? I don't understand its not an english exam.......
  3. I agree with what your saying, that it is annoying having to wait but i dont think you will ever get validated now lol i have been waiting quite a while now and i think the thing that messed me up is when i first joined i made about 3 pointless treads because i didnt know how to use the site properly, but i am just waiting now because new members chat is boring. I think you will be very lucky to become validated any time soon now you have made this thread.......
  4. i personnally would get one from ebay 2nd hand because you can get a half decent monty for around £200 on there normally
  5. I have tried it and the only thing i can think of is the username is probabley already taken
  6. Nice video its a shame it wasnt filmed on a camera instead of your phone though because it would have been a bit easyier on the eyes Great video though
  7. I personnally think ribos are really ugly and weird looking and they seem quite expensive
  8. sorry didnt meen to repeat that thanks charlie lol i meant to write was : i use the one on windows as its simple u can blend pictures,videos and music and best of all its FREE!!!!!!!!!!
  9. Hi I was just wondering wether people had any preferences on trainers for riding in because i normally where my K-Swiss as they have quite a grippy sole i know there not built for riding but they did the job, the main problem is that where my pedal (planet X) pins are very large they often tear the bottom layer of the sole off the trainer and on a few occasions i have fallen off where they get caught and i cant bail. So i was wondering what trainers people think are good and what trainers i should stay away from, could people also let me know what sort of price range they are in and wether they are worth the money as i dont wont to spend loads unless there good Thanks
  10. i agree its hard to explain but the way i learnt is once i was on my back wheel grip the bike tight (hands an feet) and try and jump, sounds simple but its just the way you do it also the easyiest way for me was hopping backwards because your pulling the front wheel up instead of forwards and down so its easyier to stay up
  11. well im new to trials although i can pedal hop and i havent set up my brakes yet so i cant do much but i have been pedal hopping on grass (softer than concrete) and thats quite fun trying to do it without dying its been getting me used to my new bike aswell
  12. not all comps are natural though i believe there was one a little while ago using street style things (ie no rocks)
  13. hi although i have heard water and antifreeze works extremely well i have also heard that it can cause the seals to leak apparently im not to sure does any one know??
  14. hello m8 sorry i ddnt ring u earlier i rang marcus about half 6-7 an he was at home i ddnt get the money until 7 but i got it now message me or sumint ad let me know wat u wanna do

  15. tom have u got charlies mobile number ?

  16. when i read your thread it sounded as if ur pitbull was for sale aswell i must say that is lookin sexy with them rims

  17. oi muppet why u selling your pitbull ?

  18. hi im new and was wondering what snail cams are ?? thanks Jake T
  19. well ive never heard of anyone trying that but if it works then why not
  20. not yet mate i will hopefully have one built by next weekend if not then shortly after ive decided to build up a mod
  21. sorry about all the crap threads but nobody has been answering me an i was trying to save some people a bit of time by trying to close the previous threas so people did not have to answer a thread that some one else had already answered for me
  22. hello i need to know how to close a thread as i have a few now that i no longer need people to answer so to save people time im trying to close them but cant work out how so can someone please tell me ?? thanks
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