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Everything posted by TrAsHeR

  1. Charles Fried Suffolk 16 Dod 20"
  2. When I went riding in France my mate had the new 26 try all rims will try and get some pictures for you.
  3. Frame itself looks lovely but the paint job is awful. I know they also made a 20" version does anyone know where I can get some pictures.
  4. Cheers can get about 6 blue pallets. You coming to the comp Sunday?
  5. Yeah! Im free thurs and fri what about chelmsford clacton is a bit far for me.
  6. TrAsHeR

    Matt Bird

    Yeah matt was awsome. Hope to ride with you soon.
  7. Sent mine off a few days ago. Can't wait.
  8. Awesome vid as usual. Would love to see you doing some natty.
  9. Pretty sure the threads are still in there, because they were loose. Can anyone point me out which ones to buy?
  10. Right so I lost a few pins on my pedals and I would like to replace them. Was looking at them, will they fit? Looks a bit short. http://www.chainreactioncycles.com/Models.aspx?ModelID=11365 If not which ones? Cheers.
  11. That looks stunning. They really do need to make a mod version of this, reckon it would be a real success.
  12. Looks really nice! But can I ask why your running a vee on the front?
  13. Well Nick is not comming neither gary. And I don't think ill be there due to the weather and I'm starting college on monday.
  14. Weather looks alright so I will be at the skate park at 10:40. See you guys there.
  15. Saturday: Ipswich skate park at 11 Sunday: Colchester roundabout at 11 ( If you are taking the train you need to go to the town station)
  16. Yeah 11 at the skate park on saturday. And on sunday meet at the roundabout in town.
  17. I have been there and there is not much at all to ride. Come to Colchester Sunday.
  18. Ok then do Ipswich Saturday and Colchester Sunday.
  19. Ah bas j'ai un amis qui vient juste de demenager las bas si je passe avec mon velo je te previendrai. Et you de quoi rouler sur marseille? Sa doit etre dut l'ete avec la chaleur.
  20. Uh probs till around 6ish. Depends on weather really.
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