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Everything posted by TrAsHeR

  1. Well when the hole brake is under the water pump your brake a few times but remember when you but let go the lever put your finger on the slave hole to block it . And when you screw it back do it under the water too.
  2. Did you put the whole brake under the water including the lever ?
  3. well its not very nice riding with a crack around the chainstay
  4. TrAsHeR

    Christmas Ride

    Yeah nice riding but I dont like the music with it goes with the theme though
  5. Iam sorry to steal your topic but my ti is cracked too still riding it though and apparently i can get a new one ? how ? Thanks !
  6. Yeah i always get that problem the bottom bracket is bent but is its not too bad its not worth changing the bb.
  7. TrAsHeR

    Cls - July 07

    That was brilliant So good riding !
  8. So does can someone tell me where i can get a spacer for between my freewheel and cranks ?
  9. ok but ive bought the frame and bb second han so the bb has already been on there all ive done is change the back hub crank and frewhell Maybe the bb is not in the right way ?
  10. yeah its a mod and uhh the bb is a fsa not too sure about the width
  11. if i had to choose overall i would choose try all
  12. Ok iam now building my new echo and when my backwheel is on and set up the freewheel is not lined up with the spocket so when the back wheel turns the chain crunch on the sproket ? Can the bb not be in enought ? Edit: So the anwser to my problem was to put a spacer between the freewheel and the crank but my friend told me not to because i would strip the threads, so I had to buy a pair of new cranks. I got monty cranks which a really good I would prefer not to change them and spend the least money possible. Is there any other way i could line up my chain with my sproket ?!? Thanks
  13. Iam deffo comming but my mate would like to take my new echo Could we possibly borrow som pads for the ride ? Cheers
  14. I cant find it aswell =(
  15. Ok thanks its going quiet well ill post a link when ive put it on the internet
  16. No need to strech it just adapt to the page. And if i would strech it would be wight and lenght So the wheels dont look oval =) Non le html est un language unique cest a dire que les mot son tous englais =)
  17. I probably didnt explain my self very well but the reapeat just reapeat the image to fill in the blanc space. But i would like my image to maybe "adapt" it self to fill all the space of the internet space, leaving no blanc space. Hope that makes sence and you understand it
  18. Yeah sure here you are but i only worked on this on for the last hour so it is really empty. Iam not too good at understanding english so keep it easy
  19. Ok Iam trying to learn how to build a web site using html language, Iam now on my css file and i have put the background image but its only taking half of a internet page what shold i do to make it so it takes all the rest of the page so I have no blanc space? Thanks
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