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Everything posted by TrAsHeR

  1. Wrong link Edit: Still doesnt work for me
  2. Thanks for the pics. The frame looks really well thought and designed. Its also quiet clever the way that all the area where the frame can be bashed they left it bare metal no painted. I think it look amazing
  3. I know it might be an expenisive solution. But work good if iam not wrong. So running hydrolic disk brake. With a like a lever for a 3-4 piston brake (big reservoir) and one caliper for the front and one for the back. Plus big rotor ? Anyway bike looks good luke. Hope to ride again with you.
  4. Looks like an amazing place to ride. Is there anything to pay, or need a permission to ride there ? Will deffo go the next comp there. Pictures looks good aswell. See you on sunday.
  5. Original but looks horrible Who would want to ride it ?
  6. Yeah Matt Your getting better each time I see you. But I think the monty suits you better. And are you going to that comp this weekend ? Hope to see you soon.
  7. Sorry I cant Going to that comp in essex And also collecting my new bike. As my monty is F**ked But Ill hopefully come next weekend if there is a ride.
  8. Yeahh ryan. Sweet riding, that first drop-gap was pretty impressive. See you soon at a norwhich ride.
  9. Dont think its worth making a new topic but my try-all starter skipping too. I would like to service it but I know all the balls of the bearing comes out when opened. So is it actually possible to service a Try all freewheel ? If yes is there any instruction or advices ? Cheers
  10. Oups :$ sorry didnt read properly.
  11. Make sure you are using the metal washer on the bottom of the streering tube and the plastic one at the top.
  12. Natty all the way. It requires so much more than street. Precision, balance, some thinking And there is also soo much more lines and differents ways to get where you want to.
  13. We got to talk to the youth center people and we have a trials park comming soon. Just have to try find their number. Charles Fried Put mine aswell
  14. If it can help I got a internal crane creek internal headset. Pm me if you want it
  15. For that much money, I wouldnt try.
  16. Why didnt you went and tell you parents that you cut yourself insted of listening to them and going to your nans ?
  17. Yeah some bmx chains. Or uhhhh motorbike chain ?
  18. http://shop.panasonic.co.uk/invt/sdrs10ebk heres mine not overprice and works well.
  19. Hi I have got a bike to sell if you want Just add me on msn or pm if you interrested so we can have chat. Good luck.
  20. Wow That looks amazing to ride. Nice pics
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