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Everything posted by TrAsHeR

  1. Yeah I am doing the comp as well just for fun. Who's coming to the street ride on Wednesday ? Only one week to go!
  2. The video was well edited and made. The guy was also very impressive. But would of been much better if the camera stopped spinning and just fixed so we could actually see what he's doing.
  3. Yeah I really love the colours combo. Its really unusual. Love it.
  4. Youtube Video -> ">" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350">
  5. Really good pictures. Love 4 and 6.
  6. Hum it would be quite expensive as they are close to brand new but ill tell you a price If I don't sell them this weekend. And yeah when ?
  7. Yeah man Ill be up for it. Depends when but iam pretty sure martyn, gary and come others will turn up.
  8. If you look just underneath in the list its not listed. So no.
  9. Lol The videos you make are just sooooo good and so entertaining. Shame about the forks.
  10. Wow That is sex ! That green rim tape is makes it amazing. You sure you didn't do the stem bolts a bit too tight ?
  11. I never said new members were scammers. Just that anyone could create an account and pretend they have an item to sell. And they just changed the classifieds thread into two to I cant see why this couldn't happen. Remember this is only an idea and its not to me to take the decision.
  12. Yeah that looks much betters. And what about a Wanted topic and the new members section. But only the full members could sell.
  13. Getting Shin digs And wanting to ride but having no energy
  14. I would go the the Tartybikes raffle grips in soft. They not too hard and grip really well.
  15. Yeah was great fun maybe the best town I ever ridden the pipes were just awsome How long did you stay there after me and Gary left?
  16. Tom needs to read this. Does seem to me like a great idea.
  17. I Need the number of charlie very quickly as iam just about to leave. Or text me on 07960062615 Or tell him to bring the gusset rotor cheers
  18. Yeah I it does seem like a good idea for me of having the validated members being able to sell to the new members. First of all it would help a lot the new member buying some cheep parts if they cant afford new ones but in a way also get them a bit more into the sport. And secondly the full members would sell a stuff a bit easier as there is quiet a few new members that needs parts or full bikes. I cant see any disadvantages of this ?
  19. Pink ! Will the compound be available to buy on its own ?
  20. Make sure you take care of it. Its a really nice bike
  21. Ah right, well I live an hour away so its a bit of a long drive just for an few hours. Might be there sunday though.
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