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Everything posted by TrAsHeR

  1. Alright guys we will be riding Colchester Chelmsfordon Saturday. Let's meet at the station at 11. Not 100% on the time but will confirm later on. So far. Me Reece Martyn Gary George Sam (I think) Hope to see you there.
  2. I don't understand what code you meant to enter. Would be so much easier if you put it on streaming. Edit: Didn't realise cat as an animal. Now downloading. Really enjoyed that.
  3. Hey Sam I wont be able to make it because I am going to Colchester. Do you want to come it will be a bit of a change instead of always Ipswich. Anyway hope to see you soon.
  4. That was really good. Ill just say put a helmet and push yourself.
  5. In france we have the same kind of tv program and we did have trials on there. Ill try and find a link.
  6. Yes Andy that was sick. Bet that took you a long time. Anyway are you riding this weekend?
  7. Shame it didnt arrive before Koxx Days. Looks nice and new but I dont like the colour combo. Still prefer mine
  8. Have you got a laptop or desktop ? If desktop then have you got some usb on the front? If so you should be able to get some new ones and plug them on the motherboard
  9. Yeah looks really nice. But it rides soo nice aswell.
  10. vincent and benito were just amazing to what at he street ride they were doing so big stuff. And there was a guy balancing on a rail with a mono. And yeah the shin dig was big but didnt hurt.
  11. Was really good. But I had a really bad shin dig on sat and had to go to hospital. So I didn't do the comp.
  12. Yeah was really nice to see them in real life. The level of riding was really high. Loved the street ride aswell was soo impressive.
  13. It does sound really good and tempting. But how far if Sabadell from the beach? And do you have to be 21 to drive as a foreign driver ?
  14. Same for me. Sometimes it will decide not to load.
  15. Nice George. Shame you can't come to koxx days with that beast. Ps: Don't forget to drop the crank aswell.
  16. Hey, I might be coming to bring the bike to ryan is everyone still coming and where are we meeting and what time? Cheers
  17. Yeah cheers I certainly will. Ill get some videos of benito and vincent on the street ride for you.
  18. Hum maybe the very last weekend because ill be in France to see my mates aswell. Maybe you should go without me or wait till I come back. But I am sure people who know there will come.
  19. oh my god that looks SEXY. Bet you will be scared to scratch it.
  20. Hum well yeah I know the spots. But ill be at koxx days. What about this sat ?
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