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About TrAsHeR

  • Birthday 11/06/1991

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  • Interests
    I Love trials I spend most of my spare time doing it And the rest is with my mates or on my computer
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TrAsHeR's Achievements

Trials Master

Trials Master (5/9)



  1. Hi mate,

    I do still have.

    If you give me an email at trasher_78@hotmail.fr then I'll email the pictures back.

    But please only do so if you are very interested and have the money.



  2. hi mate, interested in your rockman if you still have it. do you have any pictures of the dent i could see. thanks

  3. I'm still riding with gary and jake if anyone wants to join give me a bell tomorrow on 07799387906
  4. how much for your gu le

  5. Yess I'm in for this and i'd expect gary to turn up aswell. Ill call him at some point.
  6. would you accept 350-400 for your bmx? or another custom colony bike worth 600

  7. if you want to swap your manus for an Ozonys XR20 short...

  8. you still selling the bike

  9. Hi mate station isn't really near, id say about half hour drive this being from brentwood station not chelmsford. And I might be a able to pick you up for some petty money.
  10. chaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarles when you want them try all rage bars?

  11. Needing a rear hope brake.

  12. if your still looking for a bike i have an echo pure nice bike will email pics if you email sayign your intrested

  13. hiya do u still have the echo cos im interested add me on msn jack_vickers_2219@live.co.uk

  14. i was wondering if you would sell your dob for 260 as that it has a crack in the frame thanks jacob.

  15. all tight charles, its jake on the zoo who was riding with gary today, do you have any magura hs33 levers lying about i could buy off you? cheers.

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