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Everything posted by SamHolmes

  1. Spaldingggggggggg ride!!!!!!!! Nah, dont its sh*t here Anyway, yeah I live in Lincolnshire, Spalding
  2. Lost Witness - 7 Colours Awesome song
  3. Very nice Benny Get a grind aswell...
  4. What kb/s are you burning them at?
  5. Onza ronnie mod rim with a medium grind, no tar or anything else on it Water bled magura ran with an Echo booster Been riding for about 3 years aswell
  6. Sophie the cat [attachmentid=4988] [attachmentid=4989]
  7. [attachmentid=4976] [attachmentid=4977] £600 for anyone interested in purchasing it
  8. All the old Trials Kings vids I remember watching the clips they had on the site and being sooooo amazed by them... Also all the old Trials Works vids
  9. Not seen the Gu, Adamant or Czar ones yet?
  10. Love it Really clean and just looks nice... Can I ask what the 'biketrials' font is in the main logo?
  11. Tune Above and Beyond vs Andy Moor - Air For Life
  12. Gabriel and Dresden - Tracking Treasure Down
  13. We use nopath.com at school
  14. God Benny, stop bumping old topics
  15. [attachmentid=4899] [attachmentid=4900] [attachmentid=4901] Could do with a tidy up, way too much crap everywhere... The big speakers are normally hooked up to the computer aswell
  16. Happened to mine aswell, probably just needs properly tightning up though
  17. SamHolmes

    Song Help?

    I belive its John Parr vs Tommy Knockers - New Horizon T'is a good song
  18. Nah they wouldnt let anyone do higher
  19. I did the higher one on Of Mice and Men, Inspector Calls and a random poem Was for 2 and a half hours, timed it all pretty good aswell Had an IT one today aswell, had an hour and 15mins to do it, finished in like 15mins since there was only 10 questions
  20. Same, also got an IT one tomorow Should really start revising
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