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Everything posted by thewoomaster

  1. 1st bike was a zoot loved it great bike strong and flicky.. great for starting out on..
  2. Was out yesterday and we saw these two dudes, one had a spanking new zoot old style one and his mate had onza mod maybe a master? was by the eggs but they didnt ride.. be sweet if there on here we should meet for a ride if you dude
  3. great vid as always, carbon replacement looks good, be interested to see if hold up
  4. that was very nice, love johns style of riding fella top stuff
  5. buy my stuff its gottta go

  6. that was a nice little vid dude, london 2007 was a crazy show well done fella..
  7. prices lowerd guys comon need the cash

  8. if you break works but pads dont hold rim etc why?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Skoze



    3. JT!


      If they're standard magura pads, get different pads. Make sure they're set square against the rim and they've had chance to bed in.

    4. thewoomaster


      lol jt there fat pads and think the clean my have work, dusty bike lol ta though fella, skoze lol

  9. Wicked vid, smooth as feck and that up to front then front roll down the wall was
  10. Was mint dude, 180 gap insane was like top riding fella
  11. Total agree dude! After not hitting the forum in time am so glad i did and WoW he will be king soon! Great vid, rasied the bar from his last vid, inspired after that !
  12. HD vids look so much nicer on the eye... that was some mint ridin looked huge. Great vid fella
  13. At 3.10 WFT crazy dude , music was shit though, riding was mint
  14. Some very nice riding, so so big yet look very easy for you! Nice HD too
  15. That was mint, huge stuff wow!
  16. dude smashing my bathroom up, cant help too gr

  17. bloody hell 4 uk dudes well done Ben and Andrei
  18. Typed alot for you Ali lol, 3 punches in one day ffs

  19. Typed alot for you Ail C lol

  20. As i am watching it again, Ali what i ment to say the vid was good, are they downhill forks his running? Ok the flowly bit typed wrong Sorry, so if he was flowy and smoother he be better! REALLY? Also how can people slate such a good rider? Not really aimed at you Ali as your a hero to many (me inclueded) and do have a better style, english too(Y), but others that are not as good or skilled or can't do it should not post slating him its shocking True Mr Danny mac does do it better enough said? Happy Ali After 2nd watch still loved it True if danny had not brought out the VIDEO, alot of lines, moves and crazy stuff we'd never thought of. (still dont ) Have you not noticed the change to vids that posted here, I;ve lost count of the vids were they whip drop, footjam etc... its all down to the MAC VID!! Johan has been busting out these sort move's for along time unlike most :$
  21. Thats was good, love his style and is that a set of downhill forks his running?? Oh less fuild and flowy and he be mint lol yer his proper poo , Knoobs really? True there is no-one as good at flowy and spining as Mr Mac... His a good 2nd though
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