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Everything posted by Ladd

  1. I want a rear , dan please make these
  2. Chain reaction for jump bike parts trials-uk for trials parts , i only put chain reaction because i thought you wanted something else like a race face crank
  3. Trials-uk there or ChainReaction
  4. Il do it for him he lives round the corner from me il clean the calipers out with a pump then grease the pistons and put some new cable on
  5. Yeh I got tricks and stunts dvd some were at mine lol its a funny dvd.
  6. Practice on small things for a while then put style into your riding then bigger will come when you get better.
  7. Dan Ko recomended viz max bars got them about a week ago feel mint!
  8. Water bleed feels very nice but dont forget your anti-freeze
  9. Wouldnt that mean there would be fluid leaking or air getting into the system ?
  10. Ladd


    Haha Thats A good one adam but Ck make coffe me thinks
  11. It is always good to run a mech hanger but if you want to run a tensioner you can always run one behind the bb , or just buy a mech hanger and get a proper tensioner.
  12. I just use normall Nike Astro's Feel Fine and pretty cheap too.
  13. This is infomation about a Ymsa Comp YMSA infomation
  14. Try That Im pretty sure that will tell you Wiki Link
  15. Hmm Maybe try some different calipers on the brake and try new cables but if that doesnt work you know the problem is at the lever end.
  16. Nice pictures mate , Good riding
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