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Everything posted by Ladd

  1. Gears or single i supose you could get a kmc kool chain in single and 8speed set-ups
  2. Loose crank.. pedals...or even bb not tight.
  3. Hmm not to sure mate a onza one wont fit my echo the only one that wil fit my echo is the echo lite plate because the plate is straight not bent like the onza ones.
  4. Looks mint ! Really like it apart from bash
  5. If it sounds like a crunching (sp) noise my bike did this on my 20'' echo my bb is 128 and i found that my chain was a little to tight so i took all the rear sprocket and chain off cleaned them all done regreased them and put them back on with a little looser chain and it was fine
  6. Na should be fine it will be a tiny bit to big because it has got to bend up to get it to stay in the fork and not move
  7. If the rim is the same size like if your new one is 19'' and the one you have is 19'' the spokes should fit if you want to keep your old hubs but normally with a new hub u need new spokes.
  8. To get sponserd you normaly need a good riding style or big power moves..
  9. Ladd

    Live Dj !

    What Your link you put up top?
  10. And a rim brake is alot less hard to hit on the rear.
  11. Nice Riding mate. Looked quite nice weather
  12. Take the dicta back ask for refund buy your freewheel somewere else fit it yourself not hard at all if they take the dicta off for you u just have to screw ur tensile on , but were i work if we havent got a part we ring the custormer and say we could fit a cheaper not so good part or you could wait for the acs to get here
  13. yehh very nice vid mate liked the editing:D
  14. Rite *** means for the win but your not aloud to say that on t-f any more soo *** is the new for the win . If you dont understand add me to msn.
  15. 44mm Is perfect not to big not to small
  16. Ladd

    Close This Thread

    Just leave the hub alone
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  18. You have recieved a new feedback. Below are details concerning the new feedback. Type: Good Rating SummaryGreat quick payment , Good communication. Nice bloke! Given By: Mod-Mike You were the: Seller Date: 1199384449
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