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Everything posted by Ladd

  1. Clean it off with a clean rag then get lighter fluid and wipe it round the rim until you see no dirt coming off the rim... the file a little of the pads so they clean..then let the brake pads wear back in again....nice tip from mrkoxx worked for me
  2. Sick riding Next Cls.
  3. decent one about £20 max ish , or go to your local car garage and they should it for you easy my mate got all his threads in the frame done bye a garage.
  4. Ladd


    Shameless is mint! i love it lol
  5. UN53 were super bb's smooth aswell and strong.. but the new ones the bearings dont feel that nice but i ran one on my echo for ages never snapped.
  6. Drill the bolts out , then get a re threading kit and go to m6 bolt size or drill it out and put a threaded insert in with m4 and glue it.
  7. First bike onza t-vee rode good then but if i go on it now it feels bad. Sold it Because didnt have a 19'' rear wheel and was just a really bad frame. Well i dont wish i still had it my mate who lives down the road from me does and it feels really nice hes done it all up.
  8. Hahaha What Are the name of those forks there pretty sh*t.
  9. Hmm What about the w910i ?
  10. Ladd


    At work we have a set of 2 tiny 1 led lights there about 1 inch wide and abotu 1cm deep and they have elastic on them and they clip round your bars you can hardly see them £14.99
  11. Yeh one of the best headsets i have used. Better than a hope i ran
  12. Na that aint a bad thing there pretty decent for the price.
  13. Lol What headset You run danny ?
  14. Yeh thats true , got my self a king headset from lbs so cheap because it had the crown race missin got one for £9 so £30 quid for a brand new king not bad
  15. Mine done it i popped the top seal off and just greased all the bearings and cleaned them been fine ever since.
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