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Everything posted by Ladd

  1. For 13 thats a amazing vid!!!
  2. Ladd

    My Zoo! Python

    Looks pretty sweet mate
  3. them bikes are mint but KO looks best
  4. Ye I got mine from halfords best place to look for a giant is ebay or this forum
  5. Welcome you will be validated in no time if you folow the rules
  6. If you folow the wiki guide wheel builds are easy the tighting and dishing is the hardest done overtighten spokes.
  7. yeh the echo sprockets are fine I been using one for ages no problems
  8. forks brakes and crankshthen it will be mint
  9. Cut the bolts down and put a little locktite on.
  10. Sweeeet pics mate likin the riding
  11. Vid might be abit old but stil its amazing...Cant wait for vid 7 !!!!
  12. Welcome to the forum read the guidelines and you will be validated in no time !
  13. My 07 echo lite rides sweet (short)
  14. Yeh best thing to do and free of charge unless you have to pay for metal?
  15. Onza Zoot with a little extra cash
  16. Casey look your going to be band soon , stop trying to sell stuff and buy your not allowed when your a new member
  17. Casey read the rules !!!!!! no buyig or sellling for new members
  18. Ladd


    Them frames are sweet and the hole bike looks pimp
  19. Sweet pics looks a great place to ride
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