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Everything posted by Ladd

  1. Just go to This will work fine and cheap !
  2. Yeh i see were your coming from mate there are some sound lads who are in NMC and get validated straight away and others just do pointless topics about stupid things and will never get them validated!
  3. Ladd

    Southend Ride

    Nice vid but didnt like the music but thats my thought.
  4. save up abit and get a deng fframe...Deng = Adamant Czar Gu Echo Zoo! Check here for Deng Frames
  5. Ladd

    Ben Girdwood

    That vid was sick exellent riding mate
  6. Boiling hot water and scrub them or sand the pads down a tiny bit so shows a new surface ?
  7. Welcome to the forum mate read the guidelines and you will be validated in no time !
  8. Ladd


    That bike looks mint mate
  9. Got a pic might be fixable ?
  10. Ladd

    Beau Zoo 5

    Sweet Vid mate Was pretty mint !!
  11. Just use a disk or a well set maggie or vee if there set up write they wil work just as good as 2 brakes
  12. Ladd

    Glasseye Videos

    There Sweet vids !!
  13. Yes thats fine have you got the old one off because they are extremly hard to get off after a while
  14. Wheel Building That helped Me Loads:D
  15. Great idea mate looked good lol
  16. Looks sweet i think you need a rear wheel ? lol
  17. Yeh thats pretty sweet i woulnt own one but up to the rider
  18. Yeh ebay i saw a brand new one a couple of days ago il update this when i have finished looking for one
  19. Odyssey Linear Slick Cable is mint !!
  20. Mint Pics Massive Riding
  21. if his 04 lever is snapped fix it i did !!
  22. my deng fixed hub has been fine been fine for ages . just take it all off and grease it up
  23. Lever body and mounts cheap!
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