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Everything posted by Ladd

  1. that looks mint mate alot better than the pic you sent me on msn
  2. Sweet idea il keep this in mind
  3. That looks quite nice man! what cablee you running for gear outa?
  4. Yeh going to order a set today
  5. That looked like a mint ride !! great pics
  6. I think hes talkin about you miss 3 holes on the rim
  7. Hmm Na mate havent rode pompey yet will do though when the wether gets better
  8. Yeh just relace it should be fine it took me a couple of trys but my wheel is built trued and dished and been on my bike and its fine
  9. Have you got new spokes or are you using all your old stuff hub spokes ect or rim spokes ect
  10. Hmm if its not trueing the spokes might be a couple of mm long happend with me
  11. Ladd

    Ben Girdwood

    Yeh drops were prettyy massive !!
  12. Good luck with the 2008 sponsers mate wish you all the best
  13. 4th Car is mint i want one lol
  14. Yeh i just worked it out from the heatsink site the backings are £20 and the refills are £8 works out about write so these pads will be exellent because i have heard alot of good feedback on them
  15. Because if they are im going to order a set
  16. Basically put the wheel in the forks and tighten all one side of the spokes until its straight in the forks. so if its way over on the non disc side like touching the forks tighten the disc side spokes
  17. Are these £6 red pads the same compound as cnc reds?
  18. Welcome mate have a good time on here
  19. Yeh a isis bb is around £35 for somthing decent truvativ gigapipe Dh
  20. hello ,is there another account on here with curly and the same pic ? if so your not allowed to do this
  21. Personally i wouldnt run deng freehubs heard alot of bad reviews on them save up for a profile
  22. Ladd

    Inverness Ride.

    Sweeet vid lads amazing riding
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